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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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Recap of Punk and Bryan's controversial match on Smackdown last week!
Match 1: CM Punk vs ....????
Jericho enters, mic in ring. Jericho asks if Punk is expecting someone else. Jericho thinks Punk is amazing but the fans made Jericho's the best of the world because he's a special and dying breed of performers. He became a star before he joined the WWE. He's got a bad reputation but he doesn't care because he knows he's the best! Now Punk is just like Jericho, a rebel who became more than anyone expected, because he's a Jericho wannabe. Punk says stop, he's listening but he's sick of listening, he knows how good Jericho is but his problem is Jericho accuses him of plagiarizing, but he earned his spot. He reminds Jericho that Bret Hart claimed to be the best, did Jericho give that to him at age 2? Jericho says, make your jokes but take him seriously because it's a different level. Jericho proved his bestness for years and we know it's the truth. He's had many matches and moments and will have many more. CM Punk chants! Jericho repeats himself worse than I repeat myself sperm slurping Snarf (if that's possible). Punk says maybe Jericho's trying to prove it to himself, and he's now jealous of someone who surpassed all he did, and the blame's only on Jericho. Punk says he was born this way, this is what he does while Jericho leaves to dance with stars. Jericho says he could only think of one thing all that time and it was Punk ripping him off! Just like I want to rip of Snarf's clothes and suck him sandpaper dry! Anyway, Jericho says he came back to take back what's his, and he is IT every single night! Punk says Jericho didn't have to jump him, he just had to request the match. They only need two wrestlers to have the greatest match in history. At the end of the night when he sees Punk posing with the title, it'll only be the end of Jericho's world!
Bryan enters, with AJ and Laury and Otunga!
Match 1: CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan in a champion vs champion match
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WINNER: No contest, via multiple interferences(??)
After Laury calls for the bell, Teddy Long comes in and pushes him, they almost fight until Santino and Otunga separate them, Punk leaves and Jericho attacks from behind, slams him and the walls of Jericho! Refs back him off, Jericho takes the title and holds hit high! "Enjoy it while you can, Punk, four weeks!" he yells after dropping the title on him!
Tonight: Rock speaks!
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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Josh backstage! Says Punk is more angry than hurt.
Recap of yesteryear's Taker vs Triple H at Wrestlemania, with comments from other Superstars, including Edge, Rock, Stone Cold, Big Show and John Cena!
Tonight: John Cena vs The Miz
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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Match 2: Nikki Bella vs Kelly Kelly
WINNER: Kelly Kelly
Tonight: Sheamus & Show vs Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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Miz, mic on ramp! Says he worked too hard to be treated like this. He's worked harder than everyone including Cena, yet his name hasn't been called upon for WM! Says shut up to the booing fans, and he's going to rectify this crime and prove he's WM worthy, by beating the same man he beat last year at WM, because he's the Miz and he's awesome!
Match 3: John Cena vs The Miz
WINNER: Cena via submission
Rock on screen, jogging or bouncing! Stops and mocks the 'you can't see me' motion!
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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Match 4: R-Truth & Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler vs Primo & Epico (c) in a Triple threat Tag Team Championship match.
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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WINNERS & still Champions: Primo & Epico
BOOM! Lights out! Here comes Kane! Kicks and chokeslams four people that cross him! Poses and does the turnbuckle flame thingy!
Backstage! Teddy walks into Laury's office! Says there's a rumor that Laury won't be running Raw next week, Laury heard Teddy will be buying a ticket to Smackdown next week! Teddy hears Laury's a horse's ass! Laury says get out!
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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Recap of last week's Eve/Cena/Ryder storyline on Raw
Eve enters! Mic in ring! Hoeski chants! She says go ahead and judge her, she's a woman in a man's world, and any man would love to be used by her. It's not her fault that they can't resist her, men are puppies. I must not be a man then! Anyway, she goes on to say men should blame themselves for their own weaknesses and blows a kiss! Then leaves
Kelly approaches Eve backstage, asks what's happened to her, Eve laughs and walks away!
Sheamus and Show in the hallway, their match is coming up!
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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Cody, mic in ring, presents Show getting decked by Mayweather at No Way Out 2008, and losing to him at Wrestlemania the same year.
Match 5: Big Show & Sheamus vs Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes
WINNER: Sheamus & Show
Cody runs off with Show staring him down!
Recap of Cena's anti-Rock speech last week!
Rock is up next!
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Captain Pouty 7500+ posts
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HBK returns to Raw next week!
Rock enters! Mic in ring! Big big cheers and chants from crowd! Rock says he's covered in goosebumps because this feels so damn good! Crowd chants boots to asses! Rock says he's not here every single week. He was for years, it was his job, and he loved it. He was born and created in WWE, and he'd not exist without them or the fans. When he said he was back and never going away, he meant it, he didn't mean literally in the ring. He respects the audiences in television for knowing he was born in this business, and they know he's here live because he loves the WWE. He'll always be part of WWE, and vice versa. He says, Cena's not a phony, Cena ran Rock down last week. Rock knows Cena called him but didn't want to talk to him. He'd rather slap his lying face with a piece of kung pow chicken! Crowd chants Rocky! Says Cena's not a phony, but he's a kung pow bitch! Crowd chants kung pow bitch! Rock says wrestlers don't fight for other wrestlers, such as Roddy Piper, nobody fought for him either! Rock prefers Cena fight for the wrestlers in the back, because Rock will fight for the fans. Says listen to Portland, they're tired of Cena but not tired of being entertained. Rock loves to entertain. The fans chanted Fruity Pebbles when Rock said it, and now Cena's on the cover of the same cereal! Rock asks the crowd what they're going to chant, because they're mixing it up. Rock counts to three for a 'lady parts' chant, then counts to three for 'Rocky', then says we can't find Cena's balls whatsoever with his camouflage pants. Crowd chants 'missing balls'
Cena enters! Mic in ring, says this is too much fun! Kung pow chicken, only the Rock is so brilliant! Cena says Rock is right, he does run him down when he's not here, AND when he's here. Cena says he was one of the people that loved the Rock until he met Dwayne, an self centered sob that doesn't care about this company. Cena doesn't need words to trend worldwide. Says Cena's going to be eyeing up Dwayne and see a man afraid, then leaves and says carry on and continue trending.
Rock on mic again, it's just like Cena to run his mouth and run off. Says Rock and Dwayne are the same man, it only matters that he'll kick his candy ass at WM, If you smell yakkity yakkity yak!