Originally Posted By: iggy
Rush did shoot himself in the foot. Not only sponsors are dropping him, some stations are leaving now too. The big campaign now is to get him removed from the networks that make up armed forces radio.

Rex, he called a law student at Georgetown a "slut" and "prostitute" and said she wanted taxpayers to pay for her birth control because she can't afford it due to how much sex she is having.

IMO. the comments were stupid and sounded terribly uninformed. But, the worst part was his doubling down on them in the days following. He then offered a non-apology apology that only furthered the outrage.

It's also a case of not just liberals making a fuss because Rush said something dumb again. That's usually a plus for him with his viewers. I think he actually managed to offend a portion of those who generally support him.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2012-03-07 2:21 AM.

Fair play!