Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I don't attack Sandra Fluke.

Yes you did. What you posted was a nasty spirited attack. Remember Fluke didn't attack Limbaugh. Rush however spent three days personally attacking her and now you continue his line of attack. Shame on you WB.

Sandra Fluke made a public issue of her sex life, that by her own account is so voluminous in its frequency that it is a massive financial burden, that she expects the state to mandate that her Catholic university, a school that she elected to attend pay for her birth control luxuries, against said Catholic University's stated core beliefs

The average Georgetown law school graduate earns about $160,000 their first year out of school. This 30 year old girl is well on her way to becoming one of the top 1 percent of wage-earners. I think she can afford her own birth control. Especially when Walmart can provide her with birth control pills at 9 dollars per month.

The issue addressed in these political cartoons is legitimate, not "mean-spirited". It is the exact issue.

You again try to hide behind a counter-attack, to hide yours and the Left's hypocrisy in bemoaning words used to describe Sandra Fluke, while ignoring the far worse insults aimed at Sarah Palin, Palin's non-politically involved daughter (!!), Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Bachmann, and any other female conservative who receives the vilest of insults by daring to exist.

Shame on YOU, M E M, for trying to hide your party's own loathesome personal attacks and hypocrisy behind a deceitful new attack. A classic Leftist approach going back to Lenin and Stalin. Never answer for your own hypocrisy, just attack attack attack to hide your own wrongdoing.