Obama's statement yesterday

And candidate Gingrich's response

I likewise found it strange that Obama focused on Trayvon Martin's minority status, and Obama saying "that he would look like me." That was a clear attempt to galvanize black support for the upcoming election (a demographic who already voted for him at a ratio of 95% in the last election)

And based on the selective prosecution of attorney General Eric Holder's justice department over the last 3-plus years, whistle-blowing U.S attorneys, some of whom have resigned in protest, have made it clear that Holder's Justice Department is only interested in prosecuting cases where whites are guilty of racial discrimination, and an absolute refusal to prosecute cases where whites are the victims of minorities. A very one-way justice, that Obama endorses by keeping Holder in his position, and that Obama's statement is consistent with.

Thomas Sowell just two weeks ago said that Obama in 2008 was elected as president in an optimistic view of us having reached a "post-racial" society of full equality and breaking away from the past. But Obama surrounding himself, past and present, with the likes of Rev Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, Derrick Bell, Mark Lloyd, Van Jones, and attorney General Eric Holder, seems in both ideology and action to be more interested in a "payback/revenge society", rather than a truly equal society.

Obama's statement about Trayvon Martin, focusing only on the safety of minorities, follows consistently with that ideological mindset.