Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You may not have read all the 911 calls WB since some seem not to support Zimmerman's story. If you're picking and choosing to support one side over the other I don't get that but whatever.

M E M, how could you possibly have missed the clips and articles I've posted that give both sides?
As I said in my post yesterday with the 2 CNN articles, they give emphasis to the witnesses that paint Trayvon as the victim, but I posted them anyway.

The fact that the (liberal) media gives emphasis to the witnesses that portray Trayvon as the victim, and for the most part selectively omits coverage of facts supportive of Zimmerman's account, makes me lean at this point toward believing Zimmerman's version.
At this point, they're still posting photos of Trayvon as a 12 year old, and selectively omitting photos of how Trayvon himself presented his image on Facebook and elsewhere. The media also have largely buried the facts about Trayvon's suspensions for various thug activities.
I don't even think the media has made clear that Trayvon actually lived and went to school in Miami, and that during his 10-day suspension, he was punished by having to stay in Sanford (Orlando area, 4 hours away) during his suspension, to separate him from his friends and other pleasures at home.

I've been pretty clear. I posted an extensive profile of George Zimmerman in my first few posts, that showed pretty much every last detail of Zimmerman's legal, marital, and even financial troubles.
The media profile of Trayvon Martin in my next post right after was glowingly positive and didn't reveal anything about his current appearance on Facebook, or his 3 recent school suspensions. Interesting contrast, how the media trashed Zimmerman's character, and sugarcoated Martin's character.
To date, the news media has yet to do ONE similar investigative profile of Trayvon Martin. And oddly, have laid out every last detail of Zimmerman's personal problems.

The truth is, neither of these guys were total boy scouts. Zimmerman seems to have had a difficult time 7 years ago, but was staightening out. He was training to be a police officer, so apparently he wasn't as criminal as some would like to portray him, or he would not qualify.

I've laid out both sides, warts and all, and initially favored Martin's side. Evidence could still prove Zimmerman the one at fault, but I lean toward his side, based on the one-sidedness of coverage, and the eagerness of the partisan media to character-assassinate Zimmerman as a racist, essentially convicting him without a trial, to taint the facts before they are fully revealed.

As I said earlier, this was a random absurdity, that is being supercharged unnecessarily by the media and black politicians and race-baiters to be more about race than it truly is.

Zimmerman's initial 911 call was reporting suspicious activity.
Asked by the 911 dispatch, is the suspect black, Zimmerman said: I don't know.
Following from a distance, Zimmerman later answered as asked: Yes, he's black.
So he wasn't even targeting Martin for being black, but just because he was in a hoodie and behaving (his perception) suspiciously, because there had been robberies in the neighborhood.

You, on the other hand, seem partisan toward Trayvon Martin, and immune to any facts that support Zimmerman.

I can see it as a situation where both guys are partly at fault. Two guys with attitude about the situation, neither one backing down.
I had a similar run-in years ago where I was in Trayvon Martin's situation and an overzealous neighborhood watch guy was following me for several blocks less than a mile from my home, and it was really starting to piss me off, and I finally turned around and started walking toward him to intimidate him. Fortunately in my situation, the police arrived before anything happened between us.