Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
So, this is all G-Spin. If he were interested in "discussing" The Movement, he wouldn't consistently just try and search out the worst, rightwing-biased, anti-OWS articles he can find to post in an effort to paint the entire Movement with a single stroke. He's G-Shill, and all he can do is shill for his Rightwing Corporate masters.

That's why he has me on Ignore. I don't fall for his simple shit and it drives him absolutely crazy.

Evolve or die. Fact of life.

Fact. \:\)


You dodge the facts that disprove your indoctrinated beliefs, by launching into the bitterest of personal slander.

In addition to calling anyone who disagrees with you a racist or klansmen or inbred redneck, your most vile recent personal attack is going after G-man's wife and daughters. Which again, is cowardly, because you know he has you on ignore, and therefore can't read what you are saying.

And we all know from your pussy antics toward Rex a few months ago, where you started topics attacking him on every forum, that when someone goes after your wife, you go ridiculously ballistic and hold an incredible double-standard of outrage.

After seeing your antics on these and the DC boards for over 10 years, I didn't think it was possible to have a lower opinion of you. That has changed. You have absolutely no principles, and are pure petty vindictiveness incarnate. And you deceitfully hide from the truth behind a wall of personal slander.