Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
As the record indicates at this point, Zimmerman had followed the 911 operator's instruction and broken off from following martin.

At that point, Trayvon Martin attacked him and became the aggressor, and by his actions warranted Zimmerman to legally defend himself.

You apparently can't smell your own heaping mounds of bs. This isn't leaning one way but taking whatever Zimmerman said as factual despite conflicting evidence or the not so small matter that Martin isn't alive to tell his side of the story.

As I said barely 20 posts ago:

 Originally Posted By: WB

I call bullshit.

My comments are made with the strong and clear statement --repeatedly-- that not all the evidence is in, and we should wait for the FL Justice Dept's independent investigation to be completed and announced.

I simply say I lean toward believing Zimmerman, pending further evidence.

Your POV (and likewise, the POV of the biggest troll asshole on these boards) is no matter what the evidence, is that Zimmerman is guilty, and anyone who disagrees is a white racist bigot, as you selectively omit considerable evidence that contradicts that mindset.

And it was only by selective omission of part of said post, that you can misleadingly imply otherwise.

I said I lean toward believing Zimmerman, based on what has been revealed so far, with awareness that is not all the evidence, and that there are conflicting witness accounts.
I repeatedly urge waiting for the independent investigation findings to be unveiled, that will give the full story.

You implying I said otherwise is complete BS.

As for trayvon Martin's side, as I said previously, there are 911 calls, scene evidence and witnesses that reveal what happened, regardless of either Trayvon Martin's or Zimmerman's presence or absence.