Pro, you desperation to "prove" Fox News is... whatever you can portray negative, but in this case the allegation fronted is "racist"... is pathetic.
All I did was post an article, buddy. An article of facts. Don't shoot the messenger.

What is it about this corporate channel, owned by an Aussie, that you champion and defend so.....personally? You don't see me running to defend MSNBC's Leftwing bias, or CNN's pathetic attempts at journalism? Why can't you see how bad Fox News is for you?

I'm a regular Fox News viewer, and I never heard of "Fox Nation".
You've never heard of it, so it doesn't exist? of the President's "Hip Hop Barbeque" coverage is not racist, but a playful humorous mockery
That's an opinion, not a fact.
To you, a white guy with questionable racial prejudices, it's a "humorous mockery" (as you puff on a tobacco pipe in your library, sipping brandy, chortling with condescending revelry). To the African-American community, it's simply another example in an endless parade of backhanded racism from a channel that specializes in hate speech and cultural division.
And if truly racist comments were made by viewers, then Fox Nation, Fox News, or Roger Ailes himself are no more responsible for viewer comments than Rob Kamhausen is here for comments by BalloonKnot or Rex.
They are absolutely responsible, as they promote that type of backroom discrimination and race-baiting. Stop looking for the swastika to assure yourself of racism. Hate comes in many forms, and is not always overt or obvious. You know that, man. You just suckle at the teat of FAUXNews' propaganda. It thrills you to have "an enemy", and they feed that flame in people of your ilk.
I post facts. You post opinions. This hasn't changed...