Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you've had it too easy in here with your new job as resident 'pot-stirrer' and it's had an adverse impact on your originality.

Could be. But, honestly, as Iggy once said, "Why throw pearls to swine?" I'll up my game when it matters. In the meantime, I will continue to ask G-Man to explain why it's okay for Rush Limbaugh to call his daughters "sluts". I'd love to hear his "objectively rational" argument. I mean, other than the truth that it's not, he doesn't approve, and only jumps on the bandwagon because it's the political platform he's been told to follow.

This doesn't even touch on his inherent racism, calling Middle Easterners "subhumans" and wanting the military to wipe out innocent women and children, just because they're brown...