I honestly don't know why I bother posting anything but trolling. I could have
timed how predictable the "jokes" are. Try and look past your butthurt feelings over past failures and focus on the point I was trying to make. None of you are surprised about that level of tech? To maintain such a substantial holographic projection for that long? THAT'S fucking impressive.
Sandy vagina, Pro was mean and hurt my fweelings, passive-aggressive personal attacks, Blah, blah, blah...
Jeezus, you're a bunch of fucking children...

BTW Rob, why do you bother posting under your "Jaburg" ID at all?

Who was trolling who here? I responded to the Doc, with no thought about Pro, all of a sudden Pro cries, then for some reason my name gets mentioned.
Oh for fuckssake, man, let it go! You got bitchhurt because I pointed out your passive-aggressive whining. Get over yourself.
Fucking-A...what a woman.

Grow a pair and stop menstruating all over the boards, you whiny bitch. I'm sure I'm not the only one bored with it...