Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Saying you know for sure what happened that night you are embracing ignorance.

Nope. Just looking at the facts of the case. It clear Trayvon was unarmed and Zimmerman was armed. That's all I need to see. All anyone needs to see. He murdered an unarmed kid. Fact.

I expected as much, intelligent thought was never your strong suit.

Then, how do I make you like a child in every thread? \:lol\: Simp.

I guess there has never ever been any incident of an unarmed man attacking somebody who had a weapon on them.

I'm sure there is. But, this was a gangly, unarmed teenager. Zimmerman's an abusive ex-cop that stalked and murdered him with a pistol he carried.

Again, twist and turn and "I'll wait and see MORE facts" (as what's going to 'come to light' that will exonerate Zimmerman, I don't know...unless Trayvon had a pistol, as well?) all you want.

Shooter murders kid. That's all the facts I need to see. It's called actual morality. Not justified/validated/political arena morality. If an armed, abusive BLACK ex-cop stalked and murdered an unarmed, gangly WHITE teenager, it would STILL be wrong. No matter who it is and how you "look at it". You're all trying to frame this action as if a child wasn't killed. "Oh, he was in his rights", "Oh the kid dressed 'gangsta", "Oh we haven't seen all the facts", "Oh he's part-black so it's okay that he murdered him", etc., etc. Ridiculous. Get some perspective.

Murder is a sin against nature. Against God, in whatever form you believe. There's no other case to make. Don't think soldiers of any nation get a clean-pass to the afterlife because they were doing it "for their country". That's between them and whatever almighty you might believe in. In the end, it always comes down to this: You took another human's life.

Anything after that is desperation in seeking validation from society. Nothing more. Nothing less.
