Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Zimmerman didn't disobey police orders. The 911 dispatcher, who is not a cop, said that he didn't have to follow Martin. Zimmerman, having been told the same thing in another incident where the thief (as he was caught days later) got away, decided that he wasn't chancing another one disappearing before the police showed up.

So, then, it wasn't that Trayvon was a threat of any real kind, other than he might have stolen some TV's? And THAT'S justification for stalking and murdering an unarmed teenager?


 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Martin/ Weapon = possibly fist.

Oh my god, a fist??! From a scrawny teenager?? Thank GOD this grown adult who took upon himself to patrol the night like fucking Batman had a pistol on him...........................

Again, you've left our a lot of the real fact to concentrate on the ones that support the decision you've already made.

Just as you ignore all the actual, proven facts to support validation of the political consensus of your party? \:\)

You neglect that the neighborhood had been suffering from a rash of robberies and vandalism for years. What would you do if you suddenly saw someone you didn't know walking around your neighborhood at night after repeated instances of burglary?

Call the police. That's what my taxes pay for. How about they do something other than gas protesters and war vets?

What? You think the right thing to do is pick up a pistol and go take the law into your own hands? Not unless they're coming in my house. That's the law, man.

I'm guessing you'd probably say, "Well, he's black; and I can do anything that might be considered racist. I'll just have to ignore this whole episode."

Well, you know me, JD. I'm always making excuses for those "darkies", right? How facetiously silly you are... \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Unless someone can show me the advanced hand-to-hand combat training Martin took....unless someone can show me the weapon or gun he was carrying....unless someone can show me what illegal activity he was involved in when he was murdered.....unless someone can show me Zimmerman remained in his car and did not intentionally stalk the aforementioned hoodie-wearing, unarmed kid....and was NOT the shooter that killed him.....then, no, I don't see where any more "facts" need to appear. It's pretty much all there.

You have just shown your own stubbornness and ignorance in this one rant.

Stubborn? Sure. Ignorance? \:lol\: Don't cry. I get enough of that from--{HE WHOSE NAME MUST NEVER BE SPOKEN IN 3RD PERSON}.

You've made a decision and require bullshit evidence to change it.

You mean facts that would oppose the actual facts of the case? Yes. Yes, I require evidence to support why it was justified in any way, shape, or form that a grown, armed man who stalked and instigated a violent encounter with an unarmed teenager is then allowed to KILL said unarmed teenager in cold blood. That's the way it works.

Martin can't just be a kid who could brawl with his hands and fists.

Yeah, that's cool. I'm sure he could have been JUST a kid that brawled on the streets. So, that means, it's even LESS of a reason a grown man like Zimmerman couldn't subdue or restrain him without just fucking gunning him down. Good point.

He has to have 'advanced' training to be a danger to anyone. I guess anyone who has beaten anyone else to death must have been military trained or spent years in isolated Shao Lin temples.

\:lol\: No, not at all. But, since we're talking about an armed stalker and an unarmed kid, your point defeats itself.

It's those last two lines of yours that echoes with me. I remember having a discussion with this uber partisan chick once who, when I brought out honest to god facts, told me, "I don't care what the facts are. The facts won't change my mind."

Well then, you're in luck, man, for two reasons:

A) My points are clear, and backed by legitimate facts.

B) I ain't the chick you talked to. Take your lesbian frustrations out on someone else.

So Zimmerman was following Martin with his gun drawn and waving it about? My god, Pro, if you witnessed this crime, why the hell haven't you come forward and given testimony? You cruel motherfucker.

I'd rather sit here and torture the weak. It's what evil does. Ask Dave. I'm also able to consider the reality of the scenario. Zimmerman stalked kid. Zimmerman killed kid. Same math, no matter how you slice it.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Armed man kills unarmed kid. That's the broken-down truth, right there. No cultural polish. No media or racial agenda. Just that.

And no facts.

Wait, wait....did Zimmerman shoot the kid? Yes or no? If "YES", then I just gave you the facts. Right there. Your bias is blinding you.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
He's guilty. Everything else is spin.

Guilty of what? Murder?


Again, if Martin attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman shouldn't just lay on the ground and let someone fucking hammer him.

One-hundred-percent true. He should have fought back with his fists. If he was unprepared, physically, to be able to take a scrawny teen then the fact he was armed was premeditation. He had every intention of using that pistol the moment he picked it up to take it with him. He never should have been out there. He never should have disobeyed police instructions (oh, I'm sorry....9/11 instructions...you know, the official dispatchers of the police). He never should have stalked that kid. He was going to kill him. Again, that's obvious.

A man has a right to defend himself.

He doesn't have the right to murder an unarmed child. Period.

The question is whether Zimmerman's actions were defense or something else and criminal.

How can they be defensive? Again, you seem to forget, Zimmerman was a grown man, armed with a gun. Trayvon was a teenager, with no weapon at all. There's nothing to defend against.

Oh, and BTW ------>