Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But what I loved about Tony Stark in the Michelinie/Romita Jr/Layton run was that he was confident without being arrogant. He had loyalty and appreciation for people, those who worked for him, and those who were anonymous but potentially affected by his product. I loved how he refused to manufacture munitions, despite their stated potential to exponentially increase his corporate profits. I loved how he enjoyed the benefits of being enormously rich, the women, etc., but always with the attitude of "I worked hard for this, what the heck, I deserve to enjoy it once in a while."

I loved his disgust for the Roxxon and Brand executives, who had a polar opposite ruthless and exploitative way of doing business. But played in the stories with humor. I recall a scene from a technology convention in issue 145, where Stark met the CEO of Roxxon, and the Roxxon exec said "Here, Stark, have a button." And walks away, with Stark just staring at the Roxxon button. Stark turns in the next panel and tosses it in a garbage can, and says: "Here, garbage can, have a button!"

There was a level of understated humor and humility in Stark in those issues, despite his enormous wealth and global holdings, that really appealed to me.
But again, I guess what was exciting for me might be dull to a younger audience in a new era.

Whoa, missed this bit. Did you edit it in? Okay. I think that better explains your feelings. I honestly think that Tony is up to the Tony you know, but I believe RDJ will never play him with that level of genuineness. At least not make it obvious. So, yeah, I can now understand your issue with RDJ in that respect. Fair enough.

Catch Avengers when it hits Netflix or something. I still think you'll like most of it. Especially the end-battle.