Oh, I already own copies of AVENGERS ANNUAL 10 (Rogue) and the Marvel Fanfare 1-5. Can't believe I didn't recognize the Golden artwork. I used to be able to tell artists with a glance. The heavy inking on Storm and Cyclops is what gave me the hint of Byrne, since as you said, that's definitely his style for the time.
Yeah, Captain Universe. For some reason I feel like Steve Ditko did some work for this character? Or someone aping his style?
BTW, does ANYONE know where I can find original copies of THE OFFICIAL MARVEL UNIVERSE DELUXE HANDBOOK from 1985-ish? Not the original versions from the 70's. But, the super-thick ones that Mark Gruenwald made his career off. The ones with all the characters running from left-to-right along the back-to-front covers. God, I loved those. And I sure as fuck cannot find any of them. I think all I have is the issue "G-H". And maybe the one with the black-suit Spider-Man. Anyway, if you know of any, let me know.