Captain Universe was one of Mantlo's creations, and wove through several of his books, including MICRONAUTS and ROM. Ditko did ROM issues 56-75 if I recall, after Sal Buscema left the book after 55 issues. Captain Universe could have turned up in some of those.
I recall also that Ditko did the art on several Captain Universe issues in the MARVEL SPOTLIGHT series (circa 1979-1980), issues 9-11.
I think I sometimes get Mantlo's artwork and Ditko sort of mixed-up. They do similar faces.
I tell you someone that HASN'T lived up to their fathers legacies: John Romita, Jr. and the Kubert Brothers. I don't think either have ever produced artwork I actually enjoy. Certainly not on the level Romita Sr. and Daddy Kubert achieved.
BTW, anyone who has seen AVENGERS: in the Stan Lee cameo, is he playing chess with Romita Sr.? I know the two Romita's popped up in the original X-Men movie. And, Claremont and Byrne both appeared in X3. Also, has anyone heard the rumors that the dancing elderly couple that take center screen in the last two seconds of the Howling Commandos toasting Captain America scene from Cap's that Joe Simon (Cap co-creator) and his wife? A comic fan was trying to convince me that's who it was, but I can't find anything to corroborate.
Speaking of.....isn't it a fucking SHAME that Jack Kirby never lived long enough to see his characters come to life? Kind of like Bill Finger (co-creator of Batman who died penniless) or the woman who created the DOCTOR WHO theme song. None of them got to benefit from their genius. Not like Bob Kane and Stan Lee, that's for sure.
Whoa. What a tangent.