Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate G-Burg

Let me answer that one for you: Because you're one of those pussies that never got over your insecurity at being the dumbest one in the room at any time. When people start talking above your comprehension level, you lash out like an ape flinging it's own shit. You cry and bleed all over the forums, questioning why I would treat you this way, and then turn around and "I'LL SHOW HIM !!" make silly, juvenile poop-pics of me, personally. And why? Because you're just dumb, insecure, and sad. And honestly, you simply don't have the Photoshop skills to even make truly effective insults. I mean, shit, I taught myself Photoshop...on my own...no more than three years ago. And even I can meld shit better than the jagged-jpg crap you try and insult me with. And all the while, you act like you've never heard of Ad-Block. It takes two seconds to make any pic I want to vanish. Who do you think you're bothering with it? All you've now done is prove to the entire forum, of every poster, that you were always this whiny little child. All I had to do was say "BOO!" and you freaked-the-fuck-out.

So, yeah. That's the answer, Jake. You're simply dumb. And while I can always excuse base ignorance, you willfully remain clueless out of some infantile revolt.

Now, you can go back to making weird "gravy" rhymes and incredibly out-dated Dr. Cox-from-SCRUBS references.

In the end, I'm still laughing at how pathetic you've revealed yourself to be. Just like Rex. And to that point, I'm almost wondering if you're not the same guy.

Good luck, pussy.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Wake up Mrs.Lazy.