Originally Posted By: the G-man
Vandersloot has a high ranking position with Romney's campaign and it's deceptive ... to portay him as just a private citizen.

Unless he's a government official he is a private citizen.

I would argue that a high ranking campaign person like Vandersloot is actually a public figure.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
If actively supporting candidates and causes, or even donating to them, somehow means a person loses their right to privacy and deserves to be harassed by the candidates' opponents, does that mean you'd like me to start publishing your real name, occupation and address? Not to mention your sexual history?

Not that I have all those things, mind you. I mean, someone would have to have connections in the government and subpoena power to get shit like that...or pay careful attention when a dumbass posts it here

You may not know as much as you think you do.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2012-05-16 2:32 AM.

Fair play!