Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Pro, was your selfquote a reply to my post?

No, not really. I was doing it to (A) annoy Jake, and (B) repeat my own personal experiences with marijuana and the (lack of) effects it genuinely has on a human body. Not all react the exact same, of course. And there's plenty of psycho's out there that could freak-out from drinking a Pepsi. AND, smoking weed and THEN adding alcohol or other drugs in your system could very well cause further issues. But, weed alone is relatively harmless. Even in smoke form, it has negligible effects on your lungs in comparison to tobacco. But, as with everything on the planet except pussy, moderation is the key.

I'm sure plenty of people arrested can have weed in their system. But, what else is in there? The kind of weed I've ever smoked would in no way, shape, or form gives any urges outside the lazy and apathetic symptoms well known to exist in pot. If people are committing crimes, I can say with 99% absolute authority and certainty from nearly 20 years of experience that retracting the marijuana from the situation would in no way improve or change the issues causing the problem. People can make mistakes, sure. But, that would be more like someone accidentally breaking something because they're so stoned they're clumsy. No way is someone going to smoke a joint and go "Oh man let's go cause some CRIME and kill some people! Yeah! I'm soooo jaazzed up!!" That's cocaine, man. That's crack-rock, which I once again mention that...according to the US Federal Government....is somehow more harmless than weed. Yet, absolutely ZERO scientific proof can be offered to support that. Just money, lobbyists, and a corrupt Corporate-controlled system of greed...