I definitely don't want a Hulk movie. He works in small doses. I'd like to see Banner in IM3, hanging out in the R&D floors of Stark/Avengers tower. Ruff and RDJ have awesome chemistry on screen, it would be a shame not to take advantage of that.
I'd be open to fleshing Hawkeye out in a SHIELD movie, along w/Black Widow, Fury, Hill, Coulson, etc.
I would like to see, in no order:
(A) LUKE CAGE & IRON FIST/HEROES FOR HIRE - A superhuman buddy-flick.
(B) DOCTOR STRANGE - Starring: Alan Rickman/Script: Neil Gaiman /Director: Terry Gilliam. I want to leave the theater feeling like I dropped acid. Steve Ditko-style.
(C) WONDER MAN - Simon Williams, an invulnerable stunt man turned superhero. That has massive potential. Get Helmsworth's brother cast, and a writer/director team that knows how to balance comedy/action/fun and you could do a LOT with that character.
(D) SHE-HULK - Gamma-powered 'Ally McBeal'. Get Gina Carrano since DC will never use her as the Wonder Woman she is...
A. That could work. Maybe use some other characters for them to fight or team up with.
B.Good choice casting Rickman. I would suport that movie.
C.Maybe not in his own movie right away. Start him in Heroes for hire then bigger parts in other movies.