i like how you saw all the negatives and ignored all the positives! you wear your shill fanboyism with pride (baited bouncing laughy face ...but only because you don't wear your shill fanboyism with pride)
I try not to be seen agreeing with you. Messes with my image.

Hawkeye got the short end of the plot. But, then, someone had to.
why? and, if there's a "must", why make it one of the heroes whom you're trying to sell action figures and happy meal toys of?
Cause Agent Hill and the guy playing Galaga (Clay Quartermain?) couldn't have had less screen time? I mean, you're talking a huge cast. They're not going to take the piss on Black Widow (as that's a WHOLE nother movie) because the actress cost so much. So, inevitably, it had to be the least "famous" actor present. Thus, Hawkeye. Trust me, I don't like it either. I'd much rather see multiple scenes of Hawkeye being a badass than Scarlett playing "pop-gun" motions with her pistols. Want to talk about pointless....at least we saw Hawk's arrows having an effect. For all I know, she was firing warning shots at the Chitauri.
Hawkeye presented as a human SHIELD agent who just happens to be better using a bow than a gun. That last point is about as bothersome, for me, as a guy who instantly gains 4000lbs of green mass muscle.
this point, for me, is much
worse in a world where a guy instantly gains 4000lbs of green mass muscle. the guy has a box of like 25 arrows. on his back. that he runs and does flips with. while fighting legions of mythological creatures. he was as helpful as any of the cops on the ground.
Well, yeah, I mean that scene where the cop sat on the roof calling out incoming targets and taking some of them out with explosive bullets was pretty awesome. And what about where that cop used that explosive bullet to knock Loki off his chariot so that Hulk could smash him? That part was soooo cool. So, yeah....you're right. Just as useful as the cops.
Loki didn't get a lot of meat to work with. And, a sympathetic character in THOR's solo movie works. A straight-up villain takes some of the depth of the character.
he was poo in avengers. which is the movie i saw.
Your inability to properly gauge real acting is astounding. You should fight crime. And become a movie critic.
I think he's easily as good as Michael Fassbender is as Magneto. So...fuck you.
there's only one movie-based magneto.
Yes, and that's who I'm talking about Michael Motherfucking Fassbender. Or, were you thinking about Gandolf? The guy that last appeared as Magneto six years ago? Still pining for Jack Nicholson to come back to Batman? Rob...
The Lee got his cameo check
yar. i just wanted him to have more.
Fair enough. But, then they would have had to take away MORE screentime from Hawkeye, and Stan doesn't have an action figure to sell. Booyah.

Seriously, I like seeing Stan pop-up in these movies. But, I wonder if this shouldn't be the last time. I mean, what do we have so far?
SPIDER-MAN: Saves bystander from falling building.
SPIDER-Man2: ??? I can't remember him appearing.
FF: Mailman Willie Lumpkin
FF2: Himself trying to get into the wedding.
HULK: ??? I didn't see it, so I don't know if he appeared.
HULK2: Poisoned by Ed Norton's blood
IRON MAN: Hugh Hefner
IRON MAN 2: Larry King
THOR: Redneck trying to pull the hammer
AVENGERS: Surly old man in park. Listed in credits as "Rob Kamphausen, age 70"

Chris Evan's character is spot-on as Steve Rogers.
he's spot on as the steve rogers i hate. the milk-grin poster boy of 1950s TV. not the "holy fuck, i've never
seen the 50s! i was too busy being frozen after killing mother fuckers in the face with my boot for months at a time" world war II veteran.
Meh. I'm not against an ass-kicking version. And I won't lie and say I don't wish he was slightly harder than he's appeared so far. But, yeah, they're doing THAT Steve Rogers. Not the Millar parody showing the British writer has no real understanding of that historical era, and is probably resentful we saved their asses. You know the genetic snobbery of the Brits.
Meanwhile, I'll take pure-hearted-from-the-40's Steve Rogers (a personality profile you don't seem to think existed before the 50's, oddly enough). Evans played him exactly as he was presented in his solo film. And that's probably why he was presented that way in the AVENGERS. When you have super-clever narcissistic Tony, bullheaded Thor, eccentric Bruce, and badass Hawkeye, you need a moral center. That's just good storytelling. I know that's not easy to digest on modern canvas, as everyone seems to think all characters must be flawed and fucked-up as the audience members. But, contrary to modern opinion, genuinely good people still exist. I don't see any problem having them represented on the screen. It ain't like we have an overabundance of "Aww shucks!" characters.
Really, be honest. This has to do with Cap reminding you more of Superman than Batman, right?
he is supposed to be impressive.
And he was! He was the ultimate human, running headlong into battle with nothing but guts, brawn, brains, and a fucking indestructible shield. That is Captain America.
If the film had been called 'ULTIMATES' I'd agree 100% with you. But, it was The Avengers, and this was the less-cynical take on the team we know from history.
Your corporate enthusiasm for cynical darkness and violence only exposes your Republican Extremist roots, Herr KampHAUSEN!