TransCanada (TRP), the company that wants to build the pipeline, says Keystone would create 20,000 "direct" jobs. That includes 13,000 construction jobs and 7,000 jobs making stuff like pump houses and the pipe itself.
It also projects nearly 120,000 "indirect" jobs -- think restaurant workers and hotel employees to support the construction.
That is likewise quoted directly from the TransCanada.
You selectively ignore part of what was said by TransCanada, in order to downplay the number of jobs it would create.
The same way Obama conversely exaggerates the number of jobs he created by including tens of thousands of temporary U.S. census jobs, where the census on Obama's watch used more than double the staff and cost of the previous census.
There are varying estimates from different sources of how many jobs would be created in the short and long term. But Transcanada --the source YOU quoted-- estimates 20,000 jobs, in combined construction and pipeline jobs.
That is likewise quoted directly from the TransCanada.
You selectively ignore part of what was said by TransCanada, in order to downplay the number of jobs it would create.
But TransCanada numbers count each job on a yearly basis. If the pipeline employs 10,000 people working for two years, that's 20,000 jobs by the company's count.*
The estimates also include jobs in Canada, where about a third of the $7 billion pipeline would be constructed.*
The U.S. State Department, which must green light the project, forecasts just 5,000 direct U.S. jobs over a two year construction period.*
Even according to TransCanada, the amount of permanent jobs created would be only in the hundreds.*
"Those are the real numbers," said Susan Casey-Lefkowitz, director of international programs at the Natural Resources Defense Council. "The Republicans have been acting as if this is a national jobs package, and it's not."*
Jeezus're seriously becoming as nutty as Dave.
The only difference is, I respect David more than you. Wonder Boy, through all the bullshit I throw at him, actually confronts me directly.
You're just a pussy hiding behind a keyboard. How does it feel to be an old man faced with the extinction of his dinosaur hate-culture? It's okay grandpa. You just keep pretending to "Ignore" me. I'll keep on having a fucking awesome life. But, I will pity you a bit, if that makes you feel better. I will feel sorry for you, knowing you'll probably die the same way you were born: ignorant, crying, and impotent...
Reuters: the millions of "green jobs" Obama promised have been slow to sprout, disappointing many who had hoped that the $90 billion earmarked for clean-energy efforts in the recession-fighting federal stimulus package would ease unemployment - still above 8 percent.
My favorite part of the above article is this:
Three weeks ago, President Barack Obama stood in front of a sea of gleaming solar panels in Boulder City, Nevada, to celebrate his administration's efforts to promote "green energy."
Stretching row upon row into the desert, the Copper Mountain Solar Project not far from Las Vegas provided an impressive backdrop for the president.
Built on public land, the facility is the largest of its kind in the United States. Its 1 million solar panels provide enough energy to power 17,000 homes.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Jeezus're seriously becoming as nutty as Dave.
The only difference is, I respect David more than you. Wonder Boy, through all the bullshit I throw at him, actually confronts me directly.
You're just a pussy hiding behind a keyboard. How does it feel to be an old man faced with the extinction of his dinosaur hate-culture? It's okay grandpa. You just keep pretending to "Ignore" me. I'll keep on having a fucking awesome life. But, I will pity you a bit, if that makes you feel better. I will feel sorry for you, knowing you'll probably die the same way you were born: ignorant, crying, and impotent...
Jeezus're seriously becoming as nutty as Dave.
The only difference is, I respect David more than you. Wonder Boy, through all the bullshit I throw at him, actually confronts me directly.
You're just a pussy hiding behind a keyboard. How does it feel to be an old man faced with the extinction of his dinosaur hate-culture? It's okay grandpa. You just keep pretending to "Ignore" me. I'll keep on having a fucking awesome life. But, I will pity you a bit, if that makes you feel better. I will feel sorry for you, knowing you'll probably die the same way you were born: ignorant, crying, and impotent...
What's hilarious is a month or two ago, you were saying the reverse, that you respected G-man and had a contempt for me.
Your opinion is erratic. And ultimately, factless, and a joke.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
When he doesn't do that than who will you blame for this Romney's failed policies? BTW taxes have been the lowest they've been in decades. It's really helped the economy huh?
Jeezus're seriously becoming as nutty as Dave.
The only difference is, I respect David more than you. Wonder Boy, through all the bullshit I throw at him, actually confronts me directly.
You're just a pussy hiding behind a keyboard. How does it feel to be an old man faced with the extinction of his dinosaur hate-culture? It's okay grandpa. You just keep pretending to "Ignore" me. I'll keep on having a fucking awesome life. But, I will pity you a bit, if that makes you feel better. I will feel sorry for you, knowing you'll probably die the same way you were born: ignorant, crying, and impotent...
Originally Posted By: Wonder Idiot
When he doesn't do that than who will you blame for this Romney's failed policies? BTW taxes have been the lowest they've been in decades. It's really helped the economy huh?
You've obviously never heard the phrase, "day late and dollar short". You honestly believe things would be better if the taxes were even higher?
When he doesn't do that than who will you blame for this Romney's failed policies? BTW taxes have been the lowest they've been in decades. It's really helped the economy huh?
Lowering taxes isn't helpful, eh? That must be why Obama and the Democrats have extended the Bush tax cuts... TWICE.
I think they know something you don't. Continuing the tax cuts keeps the recession from deepening.
I think things can only improve from the current political deadlock, if Romney is president with majorities in the Senate and House. Cooperative Republican leadership can at least reverse the punitive economically unfriendly Democrat regulation-and-tax environment that Obama/Reid/Pelosi have forced on an unwilling nation, that has unquestionably stifled business growth, and rewarded only Obama's corporate and union donors, at the expense of everyone else.
I actually am concerned that Romney will not take strong enough steps to eliminate the huge deficits. But he (and other Republicans) certainly are more committed to making needed economic reforms, while the Democrats would just continue spending 1.5 trillion a year in further debt.
And as we discussed before, for a Republican, I'm remarkably open to the idea of tax increases to pay down the debt. But for that to be reasonable and feasible, it has to be 1) preceded by massive cuts in federal spending, and 2) made clear that raising taxes will ONLY be used to pay down the debt, and not enable further spending.
Consistently over the last 40 years --under both Democrat and Republican leadership-- tax increases just result in another 1.5 dollars spent for every tax dollar raised.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
When he doesn't do that than who will you blame for this Romney's failed policies? BTW taxes have been the lowest they've been in decades. It's really helped the economy huh?
Lowering taxes isn't helpful, eh? That must be why Obama and the Democrats have extended the Bush tax cuts... TWICE.
In August 2009, on a visit to Elkhart, Indiana to tout his stimulus plan, Obama sat down for an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, and was conveyed a simple request from Elkhart resident Scott Ferguson: “Explain how raising taxes on anyone during a deep recession is going to help with the economy.”
Obama agreed with Ferguson’s premise – raising taxes in a recession is a bad idea. “First of all, he’s right. Normally, you don’t raise taxes in a recession, which is why we haven’t and why we’ve instead cut taxes. So I guess what I’d say to Scott is – his economics are right. You don’t raise taxes in a recession. We haven’t raised taxes in a recession.”
When he doesn't do that than who will you blame for this Romney's failed policies? BTW taxes have been the lowest they've been in decades. It's really helped the economy huh?
Lowering taxes isn't helpful, eh? That must be why Obama and the Democrats have extended the Bush tax cuts... TWICE.
Tax cuts can certainly be stimulus but it's not a cure all. Nor is it really honest to say Obama extended them and leave out that it was because the GOP left him virtually no choice. They voted down the middle class extension because they knew they couldn't get the higher end passed on it's own. It's one example of their willingness to hold the economy hostage. In that sense we might be better off with Romney winning. Taxes have been at their lowest rates in decades and yet you wouldn't know it from the screams from the right.
I think they know something you don't. Continuing the tax cuts keeps the recession from deepening.
I think things can only improve from the current political deadlock, if Romney is president with majorities in the Senate and House. Cooperative Republican leadership can at least reverse the punitive economically unfriendly Democrat regulation-and-tax environment that Obama/Reid/Pelosi have forced on an unwilling nation, that has unquestionably stifled business growth, and rewarded only Obama's corporate and union donors, at the expense of everyone else.
I actually am concerned that Romney will not take strong enough steps to eliminate the huge deficits. But he (and other Republicans) certainly are more committed to making needed economic reforms, while the Democrats would just continue spending 1.5 trillion a year in further debt.
Republicans have only been committed to economic concerns when they don't have the presidency. Boehner & company supported and voted for expensive medical expansions when it was W in the office. They're just playing the same song they did in the 90's but just with more volume. I'm sure if they get their guy in the tune will change and you'll be less upset about the huge budget spending. Maybe a quibble here and there but you'll go along with it. You did it before, you'll do it again.
And as we discussed before, for a Republican, I'm remarkably open to the idea of tax increases to pay down the debt. But for that to be reasonable and feasible, it has to be 1) preceded by massive cuts in federal spending, and 2) made clear that raising taxes will ONLY be used to pay down the debt, and not enable further spending.
Consistently over the last 40 years --under both Democrat and Republican leadership-- tax increases just result in another 1.5 dollars spent for every tax dollar raised.
It would be interesting to see Republicans actually in charge and making those massive cuts and raising those taxes that they talk about but I don't see it happening. Some cuts probably but that will mostly result in their wrecking a couple of programs like Social Security and moving even more people into poverty.
"The May jobs report indicates growth could be even slower in the second quarter, and the economy is dangerously close to stalling and falling into recession," said University of Maryland economist Peter Morici.
There were also concerns that the labor report foreshadowed a summer economic swoon amid fears Europe's financial crisis will hit the United States, where the stock market has already been reeling.
"The worst part about this jobs report is that it was the last chance for a decent report before the full consequence of the slow-moving European implosion really starts to influence the global and economies," said Matt McDonald, an analyst at Hamilton Place Strategies.
In an effort to make the economy look a little rosier than it is, the Obama administration is basically coercing defense contractors so as to prevent news of layoffs hitting voters before the election. With sequestration about to result in some major cuts to the defense budget, contractors will lose government business -- and that means, employees will lose jobs. But to prevent poor numbers ahead of the November election, the Obama administration has made it very, well, fiscally unwise for companies to issue layoff notices too early.
Pimco: US Will Be Downgraded Again Amid Fiscal ‘Theater'
(Bloomberg News) Wednesday, 17 Oct 2012 08:42 PM
The U.S.’s sovereign credit rating will be cut as “fiscal theater” plays out in the world’s biggest economy, according to Pacific Investment Management Co., which runs the world’s biggest bond fund.
“The U.S. will get downgraded, it’s a question of when,” Scott Mather, Pimco’s head of global portfolio management, said at a briefing in Wellington, New Zealand. “It depends on what the end of the year looks like, but it could be fairly soon after that.”
The Congressional Budget Office has warned the U.S. economy will fall into recession if $600 billion of government spending cuts and tax increases occur at the start of 2013. Financial markets are complacent about whether the White House and Congress will reach agreement on deferring the so-called fiscal drag on the economy until later next year, Mather said.
In a “base case” of Barack Obama being re-elected and Congress becoming more Republican, there is a high likelihood an agreement “doesn’t happen in a nice way, and we have disruption in the marketplace,” he said.
Policy makers probably will agree on cutbacks that would lower economic growth by about 1.5 percentage points next year, Mather said. They may roil markets by discussing scenarios that would lead to a 4.5 percentage-point fiscal drag, he said. [current annual growth is 1.5%, so that would kick us deep into negative growth --WB]
Standard & Poor’s cut the U.S. credit rating to AA+ from AAA on Aug. 5, 2011. Since that time, benchmark Treasury yields have dropped to record lows.
Credit-default swaps tied to U.S. debt, which typically fall as investors’ perceptions of creditworthiness rise and increase as they deteriorate, have dropped to 31.4 basis points from 55.4 basis points on the day of S&P’s downgrade and a record 100 in February 2009, according to data provider CMA. The firm is owned by McGraw-Hill Cos. and compiles prices quoted by dealers in the privately negotiated market.
S&P last week cut Spain’s debt rating to BBB-, the lowest investment grade, and placed it on negative outlook.
“Almost all sovereigns with poor debt dynamics are going to get downgraded, we’re just talking about the pace,” Mather said. Credit rating companies “have been slow in downgrading some sovereigns, but we think the pace probably picks up in the year ahead.”
Pimco forecasts global growth of 1.75 percent in the year through September 2013, weighed down by a eurozone recession and a slowing pace of expansion in China.
“It’s a pretty dismal world growth outlook,” Mather said, adding that it will be difficult to return to former levels of growth in many of the world’s biggest economies because of the levels of debt, structural changes in the labor market and slower growth in the working age population.
Those changes mean that a 2 percent expansion in the U.S. may in the future be seen as good growth, not the 3 percent that investors have been used to, he said.
It is difficult to see China’s growth continuing at a 7 percent pace, considering demographic changes and the challenge of maintaining expansion as the economy moves to a domestic consumption model from one based on exports, he said.
China’s economy probably expanded 7.4 percent in the three months ended Sept. 30 from a year earlier, slowing for a seventh quarter, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey of economists.
Editor's Note: The ‘Unthinkable’ Could Happen — Wall Street Journal. Prepare for Meltdown