Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When he doesn't do that than who will you blame for this Romney's failed policies? BTW taxes have been the lowest they've been in decades. It's really helped the economy huh?

Lowering taxes isn't helpful, eh?
That must be why Obama and the Democrats have extended the Bush tax cuts... TWICE.

Obama in 2009: Raising taxes in a recession ‘last thing you want to do’
  • In August 2009, on a visit to Elkhart, Indiana to tout his stimulus plan, Obama sat down for an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, and was conveyed a simple request from Elkhart resident Scott Ferguson: “Explain how raising taxes on anyone during a deep recession is going to help with the economy.”

    Obama agreed with Ferguson’s premise – raising taxes in a recession is a bad idea. “First of all, he’s right. Normally, you don’t raise taxes in a recession, which is why we haven’t and why we’ve instead cut taxes. So I guess what I’d say to Scott is – his economics are right. You don’t raise taxes in a recession. We haven’t raised taxes in a recession.”