Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When he doesn't do that than who will you blame for this Romney's failed policies? BTW taxes have been the lowest they've been in decades. It's really helped the economy huh?

Lowering taxes isn't helpful, eh?
That must be why Obama and the Democrats have extended the Bush tax cuts... TWICE.

Tax cuts can certainly be stimulus but it's not a cure all. Nor is it really honest to say Obama extended them and leave out that it was because the GOP left him virtually no choice. They voted down the middle class extension because they knew they couldn't get the higher end passed on it's own. It's one example of their willingness to hold the economy hostage. In that sense we might be better off with Romney winning. Taxes have been at their lowest rates in decades and yet you wouldn't know it from the screams from the right.

I think they know something you don't. Continuing the tax cuts keeps the recession from deepening.

I think things can only improve from the current political deadlock, if Romney is president with majorities in the Senate and House. Cooperative Republican leadership can at least reverse the punitive economically unfriendly Democrat regulation-and-tax environment that Obama/Reid/Pelosi have forced on an unwilling nation, that has unquestionably stifled business growth, and rewarded only Obama's corporate and union donors, at the expense of everyone else.

I actually am concerned that Romney will not take strong enough steps to eliminate the huge deficits. But he (and other Republicans) certainly are more committed to making needed economic reforms, while the Democrats would just continue spending 1.5 trillion a year in further debt.

Republicans have only been committed to economic concerns when they don't have the presidency. Boehner & company supported and voted for expensive medical expansions when it was W in the office. They're just playing the same song they did in the 90's but just with more volume. I'm sure if they get their guy in the tune will change and you'll be less upset about the huge budget spending. Maybe a quibble here and there but you'll go along with it. You did it before, you'll do it again.

And as we discussed before, for a Republican, I'm remarkably open to the idea of tax increases to pay down the debt. But for that to be reasonable and feasible, it has to be 1) preceded by massive cuts in federal spending, and 2) made clear that raising taxes will ONLY be used to pay down the debt, and not enable further spending.

Consistently over the last 40 years --under both Democrat and Republican leadership-- tax increases just result in another 1.5 dollars spent for every tax dollar raised.

It would be interesting to see Republicans actually in charge and making those massive cuts and raising those taxes that they talk about but I don't see it happening. Some cuts probably but that will mostly result in their wrecking a couple of programs like Social Security and moving even more people into poverty.

Fair play!