Says the PROVEN traitor.
While he makes up bogus crap and tries to paint me as a traitor, to cover his proven treasonous tendencies.
Some examples from the recent past:
1) you called our soldiers Pavlovian psychopaths who can't think for themselves, and slanderously assuming they would eagerly murder their own citizens on command.
2) You eagerly talked about killing all conservative Republicans who in your words "won't evolve into the 21st century" (i.e., they don't embrace your own intolerant views). You are one with Che Gueverra and William Ayers.
3) And you talked about abandoning the United States and moving to Canada when the traitors you support collapse our economy.
4) and among other things, you called the president the N-word and tried to put the words in my mouth.
Now, THAT's treason!
And those are just the examples I can think of offhand. You just boil over with crazy shit compulsively, you just can't help yourself.
Ahhh, Pro.
Kneejerk defensive hollow retorts of cut-and-paste.
That's always the
best you can do, isn't it?
It's like arguing with a 6-year-old.