Originally Posted By: thedoctor
SG-Atlantis was going to be the Voyager of the series until the producers realized that having them stranded was a horribly bad idea. Universe decided to dust off the Voyager concept and add a bit of Galactica reboot. Still a bad idea because, as we all know, Voyager sucks.

Totally. Wright/Cooper should have handed the franchise over to someone else after RDA retired as executive producer. He's the one who kept that thing on track. After that, it was just as you say.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I really want to know why Stargate had higher ratings than Farscape.

It honestly just boggles my mind how Stargate survived while Farscape faded out of existence.

I keep thinking it was cost, but that doesn't sound like the whole story.

From what I understand, it's generally considered that Farscape was far too "alien" for the common joe to invest in. Not to mention, they were always trying to secure funding from a channel that didn't really want to be supporting them. But, Scape was the scifi for scifi-nerds. Good friend of mine L-O-V-E-S that show. I could never get past the muppets, myself. But, I love me some Ben Browder and Claudia Black. They were a welcome addition to SG1 when Farscape folded. BTW, did you ever watch SG1? Too Air Force for you?

 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Maybe it was Wheadon himself.

You're thinking of Firefly. Farscape was a Jim Henson Studios production in co-op with some Australian or New Zealand studios.

Does Stargate have a Roddenbury/Ronald Moore/JMS/Weadonesque type?

SG1 has ex-actor-turned-writer Brad Wright as it's guiding light. He and a guy named Michael(?) Glassner wrote most of the first two-three seasons. After that Glassner went on to other things, and Wright stayed with the show until the end. Richard Dean Anderson became one of the Executive Producers for season four through season eight.

The main creative influence over the style of the show and the integrity of the characters was the DeLuise brothers. Michael, Peter, and David DeLuise (sons of famous 70's/80's comedian and Burt Reynolds movie partner, Dom DeLuise) wrote, directed, and starred in the show from year 3 to year 10. I would point towards them as being the ones who made the show the franchise it became, far beyond anything Brad Wright contributed...

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Lothar probably opened this thread and was disappointed at the contents.
