BTW, did you ever watch SG1? Too Air Force for you?
No. Too boring.
How far did you get? Just curious. I found it a struggle to get through most of that first year, myself. That's why I'm asking. I was wondering if you tried and gave up before digging into it...
I thought the pilot all on its own was kinda lame. But I still gave the series a shot when it started up. I got ten episodes in before I completely lost interest and just drifted in and out of the series.
I honestly didn't think it would last. Next thing I knew, it hit its seventh season and there was talk of spin-offs.
I figured with that much staying power, it got better. I started watching the second and third seasons, but....they really weren't so different from what I saw at the beginning. The acting didn't even seem to evolve--which was my biggest problem with the show in general.
So I skipped all the way to the end and started watching the episodes with the Orai. At that point, I just gave up.
I do not understand what people see in this show, and I'll probably never understand--which bewilders me because even though I despise every show Whedon came up with, I can still understand why people liked the crap he churned out. Stargate however, a show apart of a genre with subject matter I'm far more likely to enjoy, comes across as mediocre and cheesy to me--but it's universally beloved for fuck's sake!
I simply don't get it.