Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, did you ever watch SG1? Too Air Force for you?

No. Too boring.

How far did you get? Just curious. I found it a struggle to get through most of that first year, myself. That's why I'm asking. I was wondering if you tried and gave up before digging into it...

I thought the pilot all on its own was kinda lame. But I still gave the series a shot when it started up. I got ten episodes in before I completely lost interest and just drifted in and out of the series.

I honestly didn't think it would last. Next thing I knew, it hit its seventh season and there was talk of spin-offs.

I figured with that much staying power, it got better. I started watching the second and third seasons, but....they really weren't so different from what I saw at the beginning. The acting didn't even seem to evolve--which was my biggest problem with the show in general.

So I skipped all the way to the end and started watching the episodes with the Orai. At that point, I just gave up.

I do not understand what people see in this show, and I'll probably never understand--which bewilders me because even though I despise every show Whedon came up with, I can still understand why people liked the crap he churned out. Stargate however, a show apart of a genre with subject matter I'm far more likely to enjoy, comes across as mediocre and cheesy to me--but it's universally beloved for fuck's sake!

I simply don't get it.

Well, Whedon didn't have anything to do with this. And I'm the opposite. People rave about Whedon as if he were some creative genius. Every show he's ever made has been derivative of something else. But, the guy doesn't have an original bone in his body. He's never made a thing I enjoyed (except AVENGERS, and I don't know how much to attribute to him for that one).

SG1, though, is all about the characters. I personally like it because it has great acting, chemistry, and humor. The fact that you don't like it truthfully only reinforces my beliefs in how awesome a show it is, and the tenacity of the franchise tends to back me up on that one.

Sorry you couldn't find someone to love in it. It's still good. You should give it another shot. But, this time, prep yourself for happiness and joy, instead of rage and sadness. That might be the key you're missing. SG1 opposes the cynicism of most scifi concepts. It laughs at the cliche of the "dark-n-gritty". And I laugh along with it...