The arguments of all Republican males (especially in this thread) are null and void as they don't know what the FUCK they're talking about. No vagina? I'm not listening to your uninformed opinion.
That explains it. I mean, except for Phil using some kind of dated meme pic to say nothing, as usual.

You guys are always the same. Facts rear their ugly heads and you suddenly collaps into a frothing panic of nothing more than "NUH-UH! YOU'RE WRONG AND STUPID!!"

Goddamn you all pretty fucking willfully stupid. And I mean blind. Wow. Good luck in irrelevance as the world leaves you behind. LOL. Just dumb. Wow.
And yes. I mean every ONE of you here in this forum. Every single one.

Lothar, I figured out who you are. Rex. I see it plain as day now.