Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I think way too much attention is given to one inflammatory remark by Sununu, while ignoring how Sununu destroyed Andrea Mitchell, and the liberal media focus on Romney's tax returns, which is in truth a non-issue.
Even factcheck.org and rthe Washington post have given the Obama smear campaign on Romney's alleged outsourcing four Pinnochios, for Obama's levels of distortion and complete fabrication.

Do you even know how many years John McCain released of tax returns before the 2008 election?

It's a non-issue. Romney has been campaigning for president since 2007. And has probably been planning to run for president since at least 2005. Does anyone really believe he has allowed anything dirty or questionable in his finances during these 8 years, knowing the level of scrutiny it could potentially have? Of course not.

That said, I think Romney should release the info, so that even in the worst scensrio, it will be old news by the time of the election.

If there was nothing to hide Romney would have already released them. I think because of the Bush recession Romney may have resorted to perhaps even more aggressive tax sheltering in 2009 than normal.

Fair play!