Did anyone else watch George Zimmerman on Wednesday night, interviewed for a full hour by Sean Hannity?

It gave some interesting details that weren't disclosed before, such as that when Marin had broken Zimmerman's nose and was bashing his head on the sidewalk, Zimmerman said he managed to slide out from under Martin and onto the grass, so that Martin couldn't continue to bash his head on the sidewalk, and at that point Martin started jamming his hand into Zimmerman's face and broken nose, painfully trying to suffocate him. and when unable to suffocate Zimmerman, started reaching for his gun, at which point Zimmerman said he realized he was "out of time" and had no choice but to use the gun and save himself.

I felt the interview reflected well on Zimmerman, although a few parts sounded contrived and stupid, such as the "God's plan" part, where he said he didn't question his own actions that night, and accepted what happened as God's plan. But overall, he came across as very sincere and thoughtful, and I felt it helped his case.

The next night (Thursday), Hannity had Trayvon Martin's parents and their two lawyers on the show to respond to the interview. Predictably, they didn't like the "God's will" remark about their son being murdered. Their lawyer at one point was arguing that Trayvon Martin had "every right" to kill Zimmerman, because Zimmerman was following Martin. Weakly failing to address the fact that Zimmerman was at a distance, and that Trayvon Martin initiated the attack, and threw all the punches.