saw this last week. it was in 3d, which i loathe, but unlike every other 3d movie, the entire thing could be watched without the glasses. no 2d blurriness, except in a handful of moments. so that was a nice perk.

i think i enjoyed it more than any of the first three spideys, but its difficult to say how much i actually liked it because it was so friggin similar to the first three spideys. it felt much more like when you watch a remastered version of indiana jones and the temple of doom; familiar, but neato! so many scenes felt shot-for-shot similar.

but, i liked garfield better than tobey. i liked that they kept him in high school rather than moving right along. i liked that there were more scenes without the power-rangers, everyone-pantomime-in-masks effect.

i probably would have loved it much more, and thought it much more amazing, if i didn't just see it years ago. but it was still fun.

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