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Or is the proper way just to watch both sides, as well as use the Innarnet and just choose the one that he feels to be true after seeing every single interpretation? Seems like an awful lot of work just for the truth.
That is exactly what I do. I look at all the sources I can. It helps most of them just post the same Reuters articles.
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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Or is the proper way just to watch both sides, as well as use the Innarnet and just choose the one that he feels to be true after seeing every single interpretation? Seems like an awful lot of work just for the truth.
That is exactly what I do. I look at all the sources I can. It helps most of them just post the same Reuters articles. Oh, also alot of asshats like to pretend their blog is a newssource. I just assume they are always completely full of shit.
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FOX gets better ratings because conservatives who like biased coverage that favors the GOP all watch it while everyone else is divided amongst the rest of the news channels. Wow, what an open-minded perspective.  Someone whose primary news source is MediaMatters would see it that way. But O'Reilly often touts the statistics of independents, and even Democrats, who watch Fox because they get news and perspective that is selectively omitted from the other networks. As I just said, I myself --a jhardline conservative-- preferred other sources, until their partisan fellating of Obama's cock drove me to Fox, because it was the only network not selectively omitting the facts, regarding Obama's connections to Frank Marshall Davis, William Ayers, Tony Rezko, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinsky, ACORN, and other far-left ties that the other media not only selectively omit, but they also trash as extremist, racist, etc., any source that reports the true facts regarding Obama and his record. Despite that much of what the mainstream media omits and scorns as paranoid is clearly said in taped audio and video of Obama and his subordinates, And in Obama's own autobiography Dreams From My Father the title alone of which makes clear he shares the far-left ideology of his father.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Sorry for derailing again, so what do people who don't have any party leanings and just want to be updated with the news do? Which network do they turn to?
Or is the proper way just to watch both sides, as well as use the Innarnet and just choose the one that he feels to be true after seeing every single interpretation? Seems like an awful lot of work just for the truth. Unfortunately, that's the only way to do it. I gave an example a few months ago, where I watched PBS News Hour, and they reported that Obama's 2nd stimulus bill (ironically and deceitfully focus-group renamed the "Jobs Bill") was not getting through, accompanied by a lot of partisan whining from the Democrats about it, and Republican Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell stood up on the Senate floor and said "Hey, if the president wants a vote on the bill, let's put it up for a vote." PBS reported that Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid tabled the bill saying there were other priorities. That's how PBS reported it. I flipped over to Fox News, and they showed the same two Mconnell and Reid quotes, but further explained that even though the Democrats had a Senate majority, that not even a majority of Democrat senators would support Obama's jobs bill, and that's why Reid and the Democrats tabled the bill. In fairness, there is partisan coverage on both sides. I recall one Republican representative was on Hannity in 2010 right before the election, and despite pumping up how he was going to win, Hannity the next night didn't even report the election results when the guy he interviewd lost.
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Did anyone else watch George Zimmerman on Wednesday night, interviewed for a full hour by Sean Hannity? It gave some interesting details that weren't disclosed before, such as that when Marin had broken Zimmerman's nose and was bashing his head on the sidewalk, Zimmerman said he managed to slide out from under Martin and onto the grass, so that Martin couldn't continue to bash his head on the sidewalk, and at that point Martin started jamming his hand into Zimmerman's face and broken nose, painfully trying to suffocate him. and when unable to suffocate Zimmerman, started reaching for his gun, at which point Zimmerman said he realized he was "out of time" and had no choice but to use the gun and save himself. I felt the interview reflected well on Zimmerman, although a few parts sounded contrived and stupid, such as the "God's plan" part, where he said he didn't question his own actions that night, and accepted what happened as God's plan. But overall, he came across as very sincere and thoughtful, and I felt it helped his case. The next night (Thursday), Hannity had Trayvon Martin's parents and their two lawyers on the show to respond to the interview. Predictably, they didn't like the "God's will" remark about their son being murdered. Their lawyer at one point was arguing that Trayvon Martin had "every right" to kill Zimmerman, because Zimmerman was following Martin. Weakly failing to address the fact that Zimmerman was at a distance, and that Trayvon Martin initiated the attack, and threw all the punches.
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Looks like nothing new to me. Zimmerman's side of the story was already disclosed before this. I remember at the time thinking that it was funny how Zimmerman was able to do all this stuff at the same time he claims he was overpowered by Martin.
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"All this stuff"....
MEM? Hyperbolic? Nah!
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Some Beck wisdom I came across in my Youtube travels... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyhZzA9JnYoHe makes great points about how the New Black Panther Party, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Spike Lee have all racialized this for their own self-serving purposes, in complete disregard and falsification of the true facts. Attempting (as the Occupy Wall Street strikes attempted) to spark a visceral revolution along the same lines as the Arab Spring, and often with participants even coming out and saying it in exactly those words. Calling Zimmerman "Cracker" on T-shirts, and trying to turn a random non-racially-motivated shooting into a violent racially polarizing revolution. Especially vile are the actions of Spike Lee, who tweeted what he believed to be the address of Zimmerman's parents, and thus endangered a couple who had absolutely nothing to do with Zimmerman or the case. Then whipped up hype for a "million-hoodie march", and didn't even show up to stand with the people he prodded to do so. My first time watching Beck since he left Fox News over a year ago. As when I last saw him, he makes a lot of good points that no one else is making.
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If only white people had their own version of Jesse Jackson that they could listen too and get upset over what the blacks are doing.
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If only white people had their own version of Jesse Jackson that they could listen too and get upset over what the blacks are doing. There is the KKK, and the folks ranting about "Zionist Occupied Government"(ZOG), and similar groups. The difference is, the overwhelming majority of white America doesn't buy into the irrational hatred, that so easily sways black Americans under the banner of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other race-hustlers, including (no exaggeration) the overwhelming majority of black politicians. The comments of any of them can be pulled up from youtube to support my point. Black and hispanic America, I have seen and become aware of over the last 10 years, have incredible race-centric hostility toward the white community. And it seems that any concessions or attempts to be conciliatory just increase the venom aimed at white America.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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If only white people had their own version of Jesse Jackson that they could listen too and get upset over what the blacks are doing. They do. But the press doesn't treat them as statesmen. You don't see, for instance, the head of the KKK getting his own talk show, the way Sharpton does.
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So if folks like Jesse Jackson kept his rhetoric toned down like the conservative talking heads you guys would be fine with that? (I'll wait for a reply but you know what's coming)
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So if folks like Jesse Jackson kept his rhetoric toned down like the conservative talking heads you guys would be fine with that? (I'll wait for a reply but you know what's coming) Which conservative talking head referred to NYC as " Hymietown"? Which one led marchers through the streets chanting the black equivalent of "blood sucking jews," "cracker" and "white inteloper"? Which one tweeted the (wrong) home address of a black criminal defendant in the hopes people would show up to his house and threaten his family? And, more to the point, which conservative talking head did anything similar to that and was allowed to keep his or her prestigious reputation as a network TV talk show host and/or unofficial US ambassador? Yes, there are intemperate comments made by both sides and there are racists on both sides. But only one side gets to do these things and keep their "credibility" with the mainstream press and the political class. Furthermore, even if you take an inappropriate comment like Limbaugh jokingly calling that professional protester a "slut," and try to compare, there is no comparison. Limbaugh's comment didn't threaten to start a riot or get someone killed. The mess in FL has the real possibility of turning into either.
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Limbaugh once told a black caller to take the bone out of her nose. This is the same guy RNC chairmen have to apologise to if they call him an entertainer. BTW making up a pretend title for a student who was respectfully just asking for insurrance to cover contraception and downplaying Rush's 3 day attack on her as just a "joke" further displays evidence of your double standard. Romney supporter Ted Nugent said he would either be dead or in jail if Obama won another term. Before that... On the August 24 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean Hannity aired video footage of musician and right-wing activist Ted Nugent at an August 21 concert calling Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) a "piece of shit" and referring to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) as a "worthless bitch." In the video clip, Nugent holds up what appear to be two assault rifles and says he told Obama "to suck on my machine gun" and says he told Clinton "you might want to ride one of these into the sunset." After airing the clip, Hannity referred to Nugent as a "friend and frequent guest on the program," mediamatters.org
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Limbaugh once told a black caller to take the bone out of her nose. Now you're cherry picking snopes as well? Because according to them, that quote is approximately 40 years old, Limbaugh said it while playing an "insult comic" radio DJ, "Jeff Christie," and he's felt guilty about it since. In any event, you have=as is so often the case-failed to address my question: And, more to the point, which conservative talking head did anything similar to that and was allowed to keep his or her prestigious reputation as a network TV talk show host and/or unofficial US ambassador? [O]nly one side gets to do these things and keep their "credibility" with the mainstream press and the political class. Did I miss ABC rehiring Limbaugh on Monday Night Football? Because the last time I looked he was still fired. And when was the last time someone-of either party-let Ted Nugent negotiate on behalf of the US?
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So there was a time limit for when a white guy says something? How long for the blacks can you go back and use a quote? (it seems like you can go back at least a couple of decades)
As I pointed out Rush is somebody the RNC chair chooses to bow down to. Your party doesn't just support him but also treats him like a leader. Before you point at your finger at the other side, maybe you should stop making excuses for yours?
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You're going to try and keep ignoring my point, aren't you? Let me say it again: And, more to the point, which conservative talking head did anything similar to that and was allowed to keep his or her prestigious reputation as a network TV talk show host and/or unofficial US ambassador? [O]nly one side gets to do these things and keep their "credibility" with the mainstream press and the political class.
I fully concede that members of each side tolerate behavior from their own that they might criticize in the other side. But when does the "objective media" do it? Show me where the supposedly objective mainstream media, not members of the conservative's own party, allows a conservative to get away with the same type of thing they excuse when Jackson and Sharpton does it. Cite an example of a sitting administration, not somebody running for office, letting a conservative talk show host act as a de facto head of state, the way that Jackson does. If Rush Limbaugh has his own network TV approved talk show, tell me when its on. If G. Gordon Liddy negotiates on behalf of the US government at the invite of the president, link to a news story about it. Give me one example of the above fact-patterns. If, as you claim, it happens all the time, it shouldn't be that hard.
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Reading the conversation reminded me of this: That's what Duke University psychologist Dan Ariely said this morning on NPR's Morning Edition about a survey he recently conducted:
Dan Ariely: We recently did a study on this. We just asked a few hundred people online to what extent they think that their candidates could be dishonest if it promoted their political agenda.
Ari Shapiro: He found that people were totally comfortable with politicians of their own party being dishonest to get elected.
Dan Ariely: By the way, for Democrats this was a slightly more endorsed position than for Republicans. The Democrats were more willing for their politicians to lie to a higher degree than Republicans.
The NPR segment goes on to talk about the pervasiveness of confirmation bias. Ariely's survey backs recent research that argues that human brains are not designed to find out facts, but to persuade people to do what we want them to do. As the New York Times reported:
Now some researchers are suggesting that reason evolved for a completely different purpose: to win arguments. Rationality, by this yardstick (and irrationality too, but we’ll get to that) is nothing more or less than a servant of the hard-wired compulsion to triumph in the debating arena. According to this view, bias, lack of logic and other supposed flaws that pollute the stream of reason are instead social adaptations that enable one group to persuade (and defeat) another. Certitude works, however sharply it may depart from the truth.
The idea, labeled the argumentative theory of reasoning, is the brainchild of French cognitive social scientists, and it has stirred excited discussion (and appalled dissent) among philosophers, political scientists, educators and psychologists, some of whom say it offers profound insight into the way people think and behave. The Journal of Behavioral and Brain Sciences devoted its April issue to debates over the theory, with participants challenging everything from the definition of reason to the origins of verbal communication.
“Reasoning doesn’t have this function of helping us to get better beliefs and make better decisions,” said Hugo Mercier, who is a co-author of the journal article, with Dan Sperber. “It was a purely social phenomenon. It evolved to help us convince others and to be careful when others try to convince us.” Truth and accuracy were beside the point.
I live in a "swing state" so we've been inundated with plain dishonest campaign ads by both Obama and Romney. So far no heavy objects have yet been hurled at the screen, but....
I have been fascinated with research on confirmation bias for a long time. For more background see my columns, Everyone Who Knows What They Are Talking About Agrees With Me, Climate Change and Confirmation Bias, and More Information Confirms What You Already Know. http://reason.com/blog/2012/07/25/partisan-politics-dems-and-reps-both-sayOriginal NPR piece here.
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By the way, for Democrats this was a slightly more endorsed position than for Republicans. The Democrats were more willing for their politicians to lie to a higher degree than Republicans. 
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You're going to try and keep ignoring my point, aren't you? Let me say it again: And, more to the point, which conservative talking head did anything similar to that and was allowed to keep his or her prestigious reputation as a network TV talk show host and/or unofficial US ambassador? [O]nly one side gets to do these things and keep their "credibility" with the mainstream press and the political class.
I fully concede that members of each side tolerate behavior from their own that they might criticize in the other side. But when does the "objective media" do it? Show me where the supposedly objective mainstream media, not members of the conservative's own party, allows a conservative to get away with the same type of thing they excuse when Jackson and Sharpton does it. Cite an example of a sitting administration, not somebody running for office, letting a conservative talk show host act as a de facto head of state, the way that Jackson does. If Rush Limbaugh has his own network TV approved talk show, tell me when its on. If G. Gordon Liddy negotiates on behalf of the US government at the invite of the president, link to a news story about it. Give me one example of the above fact-patterns. If, as you claim, it happens all the time, it shouldn't be that hard. Fact patterns? Conservatives have tv shows on cable too so when you link to Al Sharpton being on MSNBC you'll have to explain how that's different than say Sean Hannity having a show on FOX's cable channel. Also your link to Jesse Jackson saying he's willing to negotiate something, did the government take him up on it?
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Fact patterns? Conservatives have tv shows on cable too so when you link to Al Sharpton being on MSNBC you'll have to explain how that's different than say Sean Hannity having a show on FOX's cable channel. Sean Hannity led marchers through the streets chanting racist slogans and inciting a stabbing? He help fake a racially motivated sex crime? When did that happen? Also your link to Jesse Jackson saying he's willing to negotiate something, did the government take him up on it?
Yes : - Mr Jackson was named in October 1997 as a special US envoy to Africa, leading to further successes there and elsewhere, including the release of the three US soldiers in Yugoslavia.
Now that your dodge failed (again) want to take another stab (no pun intended) at answering the question?
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Considering that the link you posted appeared to be a story about Jackson willing to volunteer for something it's not a dodge to ask if he actually did. I don't know why Ronald Reagen used Jesse Jackson for this type of stuff but maybe he's actually good at it? Considering the government also pipes in Rush's show to the troops I'm not sure you've got much of a difference. For the record I would be fine with sending Rush to Syria. 
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Mr Jackson was named in October 1997 as a special US envoy to Africa... I don't know why Ronald Reagen used Jesse Jackson for this type of stuff... Clinton was president in 1997, not Reagan. Considering the government also pipes in Rush's show to the troops... Along with, for example, NPR and Ed Schultz, which (given the wide disparity of viewpoints there) would seem to indicate there's no endorsement of anyone's views, including Limbaugh's, intended. So, still haven't found an example to prove me wrong I see.
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In other words, M E M will continue to evade the question, and toss up subject-changing clutter to try and hide tha fact that he evaded it.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Mr Jackson was named in October 1997 as a special US envoy to Africa... I don't know why Ronald Reagen used Jesse Jackson for this type of stuff... Clinton was president in 1997, not Reagan. Considering the government also pipes in Rush's show to the troops... Along with, for example, NPR and Ed Schultz, which (given the wide disparity of viewpoints there) would seem to indicate there's no endorsement of anyone's views, including Limbaugh's, intended. ... Actually I think Rush has had a long run before Ed Schulz was added. They also added Hannity at the same time as Schultz so it's still lopsided treatment. Jesse Jackson being a special envoy in 1997 might not have been a big deal back then. Perhaps if you could supply a timeline with comments he made prior that you feel should have made him off limits to anything governmental.
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In other words, M E M will continue to evade the question, and toss up subject-changing clutter to try and hide tha fact that he evaded it.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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WB requoting your posts that add nothing to the discussion is actually clutter.
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In other words, M E M will continue to evade the question, and toss up subject-changing clutter to try and hide tha fact that he evaded it.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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According to the author of the [stand your ground] law at issue, it isn't even applicable in this case: - if you carefully read the statute, which most of the critics have not, and read the legislative analysis, there's nothing in this statute that authorizes you to pursue or confront other people. If anything, this law would have protected the victim in this case; it could have...So - and in fact, the gentleman - Mr. Zimmerman's attorney, who when he first appeared on CNN the other night, he actually said he was not going to use this statute. The governor, Jeb Bush, has said it does not apply.
I am against the "stand your ground" law but that hardly means I'm against all self defense laws. This is just bad law and this case is probably going to be used as an example of why it's bad law as long as it's allowed to exist. Despite your claims that this law isn't in play here, it clearly is. The police said so and Zimmerman's lawyers are mounting a defense using it.
Zimmerman defense lawyers won't argue 'stand-your-ground' in Florida shooting case: The attorney for the man who shot and killed unarmed Florida teenager Trayvon Martin said Monday he'll seek to get the case dismissed using a traditional self-defense argument and not the state's "stand your ground" statute. Apology accepted, MEM.
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Actually G-man despite your title, Stand Your Ground does apply. At best from what I've read Zimmerman's lawyer is choosing not to no longer use that defense. It was only a couple of days ago he was on record that he was going to continue using that defense.
Intersting that he's choosing the defense that has a higher threshold. I thought lawyers were obligated to go with the best defense.
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Actually G-man despite your title, Stand Your Ground does apply. I've cited the bill's sponsors the governor who signed it and now Zimmerman's lawyer, all of whom agreed it doesn't apply. For you to say it does apply is simply a deliberate falsehood on your part. Intersting that [Zimmerman's lawyer is] choosing the defense that has a higher threshold. I thought lawyers were obligated to go with the best defense. It's not the best defense if, as noted previously, it doesn't apply. Once again, you are forced to make shit up rather than admit you were wrong. You really need to drop that "fair play" tagline. That's a lie too at this point.
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Wait your trying to say Zimmerman's lawyer up till just a couple of days ago wasn't using stand your ground as a defense previously or that the police initially didn't charge Zimmerman because of the stand your ground law?
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Zimmerman's attorneys seek 'stand your ground' hearing, say evidence supports self-defense Zimmerman will seek 'stand your ground' hearing By CURT ANDERSON | Associated Press | Aug 9, 2012 11:33 AM CDT in
George Zimmerman will seek to have second-degree murder charges dismissed under Florida's "stand your ground" law in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, his attorney said Thursday.
The hearing, which likely won't take place for several months, will amount to a mini-trial involving much of the evidence collected by prosecutors as well as expert testimony from both sides. Although the posting did not say so, legal experts say it's likely that Zimmerman himself would testify since he is the sole survivor of the Feb. 26 confrontation.
"Most of the arguments, witnesses, experts and evidence that the defense would muster in a criminal trial will be presented in the `stand your ground' hearing," said the statement posted on Zimmerman's official defense website.
Under the law, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester can dismiss the charges if Zimmerman conclusively shows he fatally shot Martin because he "reasonably believed" he might be killed or suffer "great bodily harm" at the hands of the unarmed teenager. The law also says a person has no duty to retreat in the face of such a threat.
... newser.com Is this mini trial than cancelled? This is after all part of the stand your ground law and since that is no longer in play than this goes away correct?
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Wait your trying to say Zimmerman's lawyer up till just a couple of days ago wasn't using stand your ground as a defense previously or that the police initially didn't charge Zimmerman because of the stand your ground law? I'm saying that I said all along the law didn't apply. Clearly, Zimmerman's attorney, an actual lawyer and not someone like yourself trying to push an agenda, saw that to be the case as well. The fact that, as late as today, you tried to claim it applied--even after his attorneys said it didn't--shows duplicity on your part.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I'm saying the lawyer is making a choice not to use stand your ground. Also of note is if they're still having the stand your ground mini trial than it's still being used.
Fair play!
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Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
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I lost track of what you guys were arguing about.
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brother from another mother 15000+ posts
brother from another mother 15000+ posts
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They are arguing about who is arguing better.
"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who
"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson
I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
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We all know that Butter is always Better.
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Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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I'm saying the lawyer is making a choice not to use stand your ground. Also of note is if they're still having the stand your ground mini trial than it's still being used. Isn't it reasonable for a lawyer to know there is a "stand your ground" law, weigh whether it is a relevant or best course of defense for his client, and discard it as not relevant enough to use in defending his client? That appears to be what Zimmerman's lawyer did.