...and, suddenly I find myself at an age where I really don't care.
Long story short: A few wimmens at work have caught my eye.
Contestant #1- the most interesting of the bunch, 24 years of age...and the one I've made the most of a connection with. The downside- she seems to have alot of issues at the moment, and way too much baggage for my tastes.
Contestant #2- Absolutely crazy. A friend there at work went out with her for a while, and dropped her like a hot potato, because of some "attachment issues"...29 years of age...the one I've known the longest. She seems nice at work, but outside of the workplace, she seems not exactly possessing enough sammichs to feed the whole picnic, if ya get my drift.
Contestant #3- I know little of her, yet we talk on a daily basis about mundane things...age unknown...makes more money than I do. Yet comes from the land of "my last boyfriend was incredibly abusive". She seems nice enough, but very career oriented.
And...I'm stuck in the middle.
God save us all.