Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: MrJSA

it was just "a joke" like the birther joke romney made

or is that different?

Would you think they were just a "joke" if they were said about your wife, Pro?

Never mind. We already know the answer to that. You'd have a hissy-fit, make threats, and post multiple topics across every forum, as you did with Rex a few months ago.
It's only a "joke" if it's about others you disagree with. You hold a completely different standard for your own.

you just dont get it do you? you still think I'm prometheus. sigh. i hope he comes back so you can cum all over his facew like you want to. idiot.

speaking of double standards you only think its wrong because its against a conservative. grow up. you really do give us a badname.

I am the Rill Mac!
(formerly randal_flagg)