I'll open this list with one of my favorites, KAMANDI.

I actually think this series, while arguably being a swipe of
Planet Of The Apes, actually does those movies one better, in that they give a wide variety of sentient animals and visuals, such as Dominion of the Devils, UFO's and aliens, mutated cosmonauts, a rat-infested underwater New York City. And a well done story with an ages-old legend of the "Mighty One", who as portrayed could either be the real Superman or just the costume of an actor portaying him in movies or television.
Planet of the Apes stayed in one area of the world, whereas in Kamandi he travels and allows you to see post-apocalyptic cultures worldwide. Plus Ben Boxer, the survey team, Tracking Site and lots of other surprises.
KAMANDI remains one of my favorite comics series of all time.
Recently released in two omnibus editions, the first reprinting 1-20, and the other due to be released in a couple months, reprinting 21-40
Which is somewhat retarded, because DC just previously released Kamandi Archives vol 1 (issues 1-10) and 2 (issues 11-20).
Here's the complete first issue of KAMANDI by Kirby, including a map of Kamandi's post-disaster world.
KAMANDI 1, November 1972 or all 40-plus issues at: