To make a classic Irish Coffee, first pre-heat the glass using hot water. Then pour about one ounce of Irish whiskey into the glass and fill it almost full with brewed coffee that has been lightly sweetened.

Next pour some thick, whole cream onto the back of a spoon that is resting just on the surface of the coffee beverage. The sugar in the coffee will help the cream float.

LATTE (Caffe Latte)

To make this Italian drink, pull two shots of espresso in a heavy, bowl-shaped cup, tall ceramic mug, or clear cup. Next add about three times as much steamed milk.

As you pour the steamed milk into the cup use a spoon to hold back the foam until the cup is more than ¾-full. Now top it off with a small cap of foam.

Rather than pouring the milk onto the espresso, coffee connoisseurs often prefer to pour the espresso and steamed milk from either side of the glass simultaneously