The Texas teeny-bopper told a classmate, "I'll let you do it for
$20 -- $10 to put it in and $10 to take it out."
The boy quickly agreed. The couple went into the woods, and the
young thang slipped off her panties and laid back. The boy slipped
in his erection and handed her a $10 bill. And then, when he was
finished, he handed her another $10 and she released him.
The next week, he requested her again, and she agreed. This time,
he handed her the $10 then, when he had finished, he just lay there.
After about 10 minutes, she said "OK, Billy! Take it out now."
He continued to lie there and said, "I can't -- I don't have any
more money."

Three prostitutes are sitting in a bar.
The first one says my pussy is so big, I can screw three
guys at the same time.
The second prostitute says, MY pussy is so big, I can
screw a guy's leg up to the knee.
The third one just slides down the stool...