Grand Cayman Thrush
The Grand Cayman Thrush was a bird from the Turdidae family, endemic to Grand Cayman i.e. the largest of the three Cayman Islands. Soon after its discovery, this beautiful bird became a favorite among the bird collectors. More importantly, the habitat of Grand Cayman Thrust was largely affected due to excessive deforestation and frequently occurring hurricanes between 1932 and 1944. Loss of habitat made them an easy prey for hunters and bird collectors alike. By the end of the first quarter of 20th century, the bird had virtually become extinct. The last reported sighting of this species was in the north of East End in 1938.

Guam Flying Fox
The Guam Flying Fox was a small megabat or fruit bat, native to Guam the southernmost islands among the Marianas island chain. Considered a delicacy in Marianas, this species of fruit bat was extensively hunted as a food source, which led to its extinction in the mid 20th century. Other than this loss of habitat owing to World War II and predation by brown tree snakes led to extermination of the Guam flying fox from the island. The last Guam flying fox was spotted at Tarague cliff in 1967.