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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

@ProjectVeritas_ EXCLUSIVE: DNC Staffer Assists Double Voting In Support of Obama

These people are DNC/Obama campaign officials, one of them titled regional director.

Why are we not seeing this on the news?

Oh wait... never mind!

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Vote early.
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I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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O’Keefe Video Spurs Candidate's son to Resign from Father’s Campaign
  • Rep. Jim Moran, 11-term Democrat and the, er, pride of Virginia’s 8th Congressional District, has a son who is also the field director of his reelection campaign. Moran’s son is seen here advising a hidden-camera reporter for James O’Keefe that he can vote in the names of other people by generating a fake utility bill that has the person’s name and utility bill.

    Word is now breaking that Patrick Moran has resigned from his position on his father’s campaign.

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Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
by Rachel Alexander

There were many factors that hurt Mitt Romney and favored Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. The Democrats portrayed Romney in the worst light possible; as a wealthy, out of touch millionaire who wanted to return women to the 1800's. The left wing media predictably did everything it could to perpetuate that false caricature. Obama's race was an advantage; voters of all persuasions, particularly minorities, still cannot get over the allure of the first black president. The 47% of Americans on welfare were predisposed to vote for the food stamp president over Romney, wanting the free goodies to keep on giving, despite the long-term unsustainability.

In spite of those odds, polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election. The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office. Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party. Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.

So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns? The most realistic explanation is voter fraud in a few swing states. According to the Columbus Dispatch, one out of every five registered voters in Ohio is ineligible to vote. In at least two counties in Ohio, the number of registered voters exceeded the number of eligible adults who are of voting age. In northwestern Ohio's Wood County, there are 109 registered voters for every 100 people eligible to vote. An additional 31 of Ohio's 88 counties have voter registration rates over 90%, which most voting experts regard as suspicious. Obama miraculously won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland, and received over 99% of the vote where GOP inspectors were illegally removed.

The inflated numbers can't just reflect voters who have moved, because the average voting registration level nationwide is only 70%. The vast majority of voters over the 70% level are not voting because they want to, they are voting because someone is getting them to cast a vote, one way or another. Those 31 counties are most likely the largest counties in Ohio, representing a majority of Ohio voters. This means the number of votes cast above the 70% typical voter registration level easily tops 100,000, the margin Obama won Ohio by.

Videographer James O'Keefe, known for his undercover videos exposing left wing fraud, caught a Virginia Democratic Congressman's son on video in October explaining how to commit voter fraud. Patrick Moran, the son of Rep. Jim Moran, told O'Keefe's videographer that in order to make a vote for someone else, you'd need two pieces of identification, such as a utility bill, explaining, "they can fake a utility bill with ease, you know?" He went on to advise the videographer that he should also call the voter and pretend to be a polling company in order to make sure the voter isn't intending to vote. He said that Democrat attorneys would be located in the polling places to assist him if challenged casting one of these illegal votes.

In another video, O'Keefe's videographer tells a DNC staffer from Obama's Organizing for America that she intends to vote in both Texas and Florida. The staffer laughs and says, "It's cool." The staffer then prints out a voter registration form for the undercover videographer and advises her on what to do if she gets caught.

These are just the known instances of attempted voter fraud. How many instances occurred that were not discovered? Obama's Organizing for America looked up voters in swing states – many who would not have bothered voting otherwise – and got them to vote. How did they get them to vote? They may have given them rides to the polls, they may have offered to fill out and return their ballots for them, or they may have voted ballots for the ones who were not going to vote.

Many on the left believe there is nothing wrong with committing fraud in order to ensure Obama's reelection. It is a common tenet on the left that the ends justify the means. Saul Alinsky, the 1960's radical who inspired Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, taught community organizers like Obama that dishonesty is acceptable if it achieves your political goals. And when caught, Alinsky teaches radicals to deny the wrongdoing and change the topic to put their accusers on the defensive. One Obama supporter brazenly posted on Facebook that he was voting four times for Obama, asserting that the ends justify the means.

Aiding Obama's win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.

Voter fraud has been in the works for years. At least 52 employees of the left wing group ACORN have been convicted of voter registration fraud. ACORN itself was convicted of the crime of "compensation," paying its registration canvassers bonuses to exceed their quotas. In 2008, 36% of ACORN's voter registrations were invalidated. Left wing political pundit Chris Matthews admitted last year that pretending to call someone from a polling company, then voting their ballot for them, has been happening in big cities since the 1950's. He admitted he knows that kind of voter fraud takes place in Philadelphia.

Strong-arming people into voting who really have no desire to vote undermines our form of government. People do not choose to vote because they are uninformed about the issues and candidates, are lazy, cynical, or are content with the status quo. Voting someone else's ballot for them is cheating the system and essentially giving yourself two votes.

When people claim that Obama won because the economy was improving, or because Americans generally think he is doing a good job, it is not true. He won through dishonest methods and rhetoric. Many of the votes cast in the swing states were cajoled, some legally and perhaps even more illegally, into supporting him. If voter fraud becomes acceptable, then maybe Donald Trump is right: it's time for a revolution.

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Citing allegations of voter fraud, a petition posted Saturday at the White House "We the People" web site demands a recount of Tuesday's election.

"In one county alone in Ohio, which was a battleground state, President Obama received 106,258 votes...but there were only 98,213 eligible voters. It's not humanly possible to get 108% of the vote," the petition says.

According to the petition, if voter ID laws had been in place across the country, a recount would be unnecessary.

A post at American Third Position says that Obama lost every state that required photo ID, but the National Conference of State Legislatures says that Michigan law requires voters to "show a photo ID or sign an affidavit attesting that he or she is not in possession of photo identification." Obama won Michigan in Tuesday's election.

Obama also won New Hampshire and Hawaii. Both states, according to the NCSL, ask for photo ID, but make allowances for voters who say they have none.

In Hawaii, for example, voters who say they do not have photo ID will be "asked to recite his/her date of birth and residence address to corroborate the information provided in the poll book," the NCSL said.

A post at Pundit Press says that Obama received over 99 percent of the vote in areas of Philadelphia where GOP poll watchers were forcibly removed.

"Ward 4, which also had a poll watcher dressed in Obama attire, went massively for Obama. Mr. Obama received 99.5% of the vote, defeating Mr. Romney 9,955 to 55," the blog said.

The post notes that "Obama also won 99.8% of the vote in 44 Cleveland districts," while winning a county that had 108 percent voter registration.

A post at the Houston Chronicle says that by 5 p.m. Eastern time Tuesday, the Election Protection Coalition reported over 70,000 complaint calls.

A blog called "Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012" provides links to many other allegations of voter fraud.

At least one allegation of voter fraud in St. Lucie County, Florida, was debunked, according to a post at Twitchy, but that does not mean there was no voter fraud anywhere else.

As of this writing, the petition had 1,276 signatures, 23,724 short of the 25,000 needed for the administration to take action.

Even if the petition reaches the goal, it is highly unlikely anything will be done at the federal level, since elections are administered by the states, and not the federal government.

The petition can be seen here.

That's it. I'm fucking pissed off. Royally.

This needs to be pushed hard. And everyone who gives a fuck about the voting process should be doing all they can to make sure this issue ends up in the courts.

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\:lol\: wow let it go bro. we lost this one. is this the same pple from 2000 when gore threw a fit? waste of time.

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Yep. Too long to post, buy Politico has a good piece on it: GOP's media cocoon .

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Examiner: Home of the UnSkewed Polls guy. A guy that belittled Nate Silver before the election only to buy his book after the election to figure out how he could've been so wrong. Examiner is a fucking joke.

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"In one county alone in Ohio, which was a battleground state, President Obama received 106,258 votes...but there were only 98,213 eligible voters. It's not humanly possible to get 108% of the vote,"

Actual numbers aren't a hunch. The Examiner aren't the ones who broke the fact that more than 100% of the registered voters for a county actually voted there.

I realize it's not a vested interest of your ego to have Obama turn out a loss or even simply to have Romney do better than he did regardless of loss, but that's no reason to ignore voter fraud that everyone knows occurred in some fashion--of course the media that you say doesn't matter won't touch those stories with a fifty ft pole.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
but that's no reason to ignore voter fraud that everyone knows occurred in some fashion

who is everyone, pars?

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It's not even a hush hush conspiracy. DEMs just do it willy nilly.

Unless you're saying this is doctored and that governor's son retired from his position for no reason.

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nah. i didnt even watch the video.

but when you say "everyone" you really mean "tea partyers angry they lost". just like the lunatics in 2000 when they clamored florida was fixed for dubbers.

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 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
nah. i didnt even watch the video.

I know.

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One question though: If the ones who are looking into it are able to take the matter to the courts and prove that a number of those counties were won fraudulently, what's going to be your tune?

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Maybe, instead of trusting "reliable sources" on blogger, you could just go to the Wood County, Ohio BoE. Here, I did it for you:

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project veritas is owned by james okeefe

James E. O'Keefe III (born June 28, 1984) is a conservative American activist who has produced audio and video recordings of staged encounters with public figures and workers in a variety of organizations, purportedly showing abusive or illegal behavior by representatives of those organizations. He gained national attention for his release of video recordings of workers at ACORN offices in 2009, his arrest in early 2010 at the office of Senator Mary Landrieu in a failed attempt to record staff conversations, and release of videos of NPR executives in 2011. Investigations by both legal authorities and journalists have found O'Keefe has "selectively", "heavily" or "deceptively" edited secretly recorded videos to leave a false impression and present the subjects in the worst possible light.

conspiracy twats like this turd as whats driving people ("everyone" per pars usage) from the base. crawl from the cocoon bro. come into the light. take the loss like a man and stop wasting your time on made up ghost stories and boogeymen out to get you.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
One question though: If the ones who are looking into it are able to take the matter to the courts and prove that a number of those counties were won fraudulently, what's going to be your tune?

same. my tune is the election is over and to keep going back to the well in an effort to squeeze some fantasy conspiracy from the loss, instead of learning how to evolve and rebrand the party, is only going to hold us back in the long run. let it go. move ahead and see if we can redefine the party for the modern times. other wise the gop is not going to be getting into the white house any time soon.

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The site doesn't calculate overages with hard ballot numbers. Just percentages.

 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
project veritas is owned by james okeefe

Yes. He was in the video getting multiple people to admit to helping with voter fraud.

Not even proof is enough to convince you. You just don't give a fuck.

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you missed this part:

Investigations by both legal authorities and journalists have found O'Keefe has "selectively", "heavily" or "deceptively" edited secretly recorded videos to leave a false impression and present the subjects in the worst possible light.

theres no "proof". you and the crazy teaps just want to keep the stupid ball rolling.

and yeah i DONT give a fuck. read my responses above and you will see why.

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but thanks for being part of the problem, bro. we couldnt have lost this election without people ("everyone") exactly like you.

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 Originally Posted By: MrJSA

Exactly. Regardless of corruption, you do not give a flying a fuck.

They could be physically restricting people people from entering voting booths, but you'd mark it off as nonsense simply because it was the right that complained about it.

You're trying to desperately to sound unbiased and non-fringe that your worldview would actually tolerate voter suppression.

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
Maybe, instead of trusting "reliable sources" on blogger, you could just go to the Wood County, Ohio BoE. Here, I did it for you:

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 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
you missed this part:

Investigations by both legal authorities and journalists have found O'Keefe has "selectively", "heavily" or "deceptively" edited secretly recorded videos to leave a false impression and present the subjects in the worst possible light.

theres no "proof". you and the crazy teaps just want to keep the stupid ball rolling.

and yeah i DONT give a fuck. read my responses above and you will see why.

Yeah, I know what wikipedia says. Cool story etc.

The videos aren't edited. The conversations just keep going.

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Maybe, instead of trusting "reliable sources" on blogger, you could just go to the Wood County, Ohio BoE. Here, I did it for you:

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Exactly. Regardless of corruption, you do not give a flying a fuck.

thas right man. i don't give a flying fuck about fantasys.

They could be physically restricting people people from entering voting booths, but you'd mark it off as nonsense simply because it was the right that complained about it.

swing to the fence, g-man. get some hyperbole and then throw every doomsday scenario you can think of. thats what your best at. \:lol\:

You're trying to desperately to sound unbiased and non-fringe that your worldview would actually tolerate voter suppression.

only desperation here is the guy "desperate" to try to convince math its wrong, and that theres a big conspiracy against the fringe freaks that just want to lower the bar. but you keep trying, pars. like i said thanks for losing this election. stick around i'm sure you can find something to fuck up 2016 for us too.

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Maybe, instead of trusting "reliable sources" on blogger, you could just go to the Wood County, Ohio BoE. Here, I did it for you:

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Maybe, instead of trusting "reliable sources" on blogger, you could just go to the Wood County, Ohio BoE. Here, I did it for you:

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Maybe, instead of trusting "reliable sources" on blogger, you could just go to the Wood County, Ohio BoE. Here, I did it for you:

Again, the site doesn't calculate overflow of a county's capacity. It just counts the amount of participation.

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