Chas: You'll still need a driver. And there's me martial arts training-- that'll come in handy. John: Tai Kwon Wheel Wrench? Shut up now, okay? Melosa: He wants to know if you're-- devout. If you believe. John: Devout? No. But there's not a lot I don't believe in. Mictlantecuhtli: You forget yourself. I am no upstart demon, scrabbling in the dirt of the human soul. I am Mictlantecuhtli. I am a god. John: Great stuff. I'm John-- and I'm a bastard.
John: Happy Families. What's that all about, eh? A bloody busted flush is what it is. You surround yourself with other people so the night doesn't seem quite so dark. Shout down the sound of the wind with arguments about whose turn it is to wash the dishes. Best not to kid yourself. Best not to give any hostages to fortune. You're on your own in the end. Always. Where else would you want to be?