Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah when a thread is titled "more voter fraud by democrats" it doesn't appear to present an interest in voter fraud in general.

But it does give emphasiss to the fact that election fraud more frequently happens on the Democrat side.

I can't offhand think of a Republican group along the lines of ACORN, that has a nationwide habit of registering the dead to vote. ACORN was investigated by the FBI for voter fraud in every one of the 15 election battleground states in 2008. Congress de-funded ACORN as a result. The U.S. Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN as a result.


In one of the Eric Shaun 1-hour specials on voter fraud, in Indiana they went down the list of a petition of about 20,000 names to put Obama on the ballot for president in 2008, and person after person down the list said, I didn't sign that. It was pointed out that this alone disqualifies Obama's 2008 election.
And now you have 59 voting precincts in Philadelphia that voted 100% for Obama, and 0 votes for Romney. Really?
And similar voting patterns in many counties of Ohio.
And Florida.

If emphasis is given to Democrat voter fraud, it's because history warrants it.

And it ain't over yet :

Meanwhile, Politico reports that ACORN isn’t going away – it’s merely changing form.

Ben Smith writes that radical housing activist John Atlas’s new highly sympathetic institutional biography of ACORN, “Seeds of Change,” acknowledges that ACORN’s current rebranding process is aimed at re-constituting ACORN in the not-too-distant future.

Writes Smith, who includes a direct quotation from the book:

  • But strong local ACORN chapters swiftly regrouped under new names, like the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment and New York Communities for Change. Those groups “will retain ACORN’s commitment to building national power and are beginning discussions” about relaunching a national organization some time after November …

The rebranding maneuver was first reported months ago.

Atlas elaborated on ACORN’s plan during a panel discussion Tuesday at the left-wing “America’s Future Now” conference in Washington, D.C.:
  • The good news is that a lot of people who were involved in ACORN, members and leaders as well as their allies, are organizing in over a dozen states to resurrect ACORN using its model, focusing on the same constituency, learning from ACORN’s strengths as well as its mistakes, so it is happening.

So far ACORN has rebranded in 13 states plus the District of Columbia.

ACORN Housing, which is the ACORN network’s primary vehicle for getting its hands on federal tax dollars, has renamed itself Affordable Housing Centers of America.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
You are batshit insane. Look at previous elections in the precincts. Look at the records on registrations in the precincts. Look at the fucking demographics in some of the precincts. It would be more amazing if Romney appealed to a single voter in some of these precincts. Let the madness go, Wondy. The election is over. Obama is still president. Only the crazies and the commentators that make money off of them give a shit about fraudulent claims of fraud.

And, GOP operative Nathan Sproul's republican hired Strategic Allied Consulting played the roll of ACORN this year.

I offered sourced facts. ACORN absolutely did orchestrate voter fraud across every battleground state, with a calculated plan to overwhelm the sysem with massive fraud, to get as much fraud and legal concession to fraud as they could get away with.

And ACORN is just one part of the Democrat fraud machine.
As recognized by the U.S. Congress that de-funded them.
As recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau that severed their ties with Acorn.
As recognized by the IRS.

All of which has led to ACORN re-naming its branch offices, so the Democrat leadership can circumnavigate its severing ACORN funding, and provide funds to ACORN offices run by the exact same people.

You know what's batshit crazy, Iggy? Ignoring the stated goals of the DNC and its fraud army, and trying to vindictively shoot (or slander) the messenger.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.