Just watched the latest ep. Holy shit. With only two eps left before the break, we're probably building up to a throwdown between the woodbury guys and rick's crew.

A few things I've been thinking about:

- It's possible that Glenn and Maggie could end up going through the nasty shit Rick and Michonne had to go through in the comic. Maggie could get tortured and raped while Glenn hears it from the other side.

- Either Andrea or Merle (because right now, Daryl is turning into the Tyrese of the TV series, so if the gov kills Daryl, Merle could lose his shit) could do the gov in, like what Lilly did in the comic (you guys should play the Walking Dead game from telltale games. A lot of the minor characters in the comic had major parts in the game, including Lilly - the girl who killed the governor in the comic).

- Or not. The TV series has already proven that it's not afraid to go in a completely different direction.

- I'm glad the phone thing was resolved in a single episode. The comic dragged that one out for several issues.

- Woodbury crew vs Prison crew. It would be interesting how things would go down. The woodbury guys have the upperhand in manpower and firepower, but the prison crew has more experience. Crazy Rick + Daryl = 20 men, they also have Michonne. The only guys that look scary in Woodbury are the Governor and Merle. Also, if they go against the lady with the bow and arrow I don't think they'll have any problems.