nah. he cant predict the future. Hes doing the smart thing so they dont happen again.
When you hire political operatives like Rove who's super pacs had over a billion in defeating Obama is it really surprising that Rove was partisan? Ailes is having it both ways.
That's a partisan liar's argument, M E M.
Fox News has Juan Williams, Alan Colmes, Kirsten Powers and endless other liberals on the channel giving the opposing liberal perspective. And Kirsten Powers in particular I have a lot of respect for.
It's total bullshit slander to say that Ailes was using Fox for Republican propaganda and backed some bizarre alleged sceme to lie to the public through Rove and Morris. It's Ailes' reputation when Rove and Morris got it wrong, and I don't believe for a second that Ailes would back innacurate predictions when it would hurt Fox News' reputation on election day and after.
While Rove and Morris were consultants to conservative PAC groups, many of the liberal guests on Fox --and on other networks-- are paid consultants as well.
Rove and Morris were off-base in their predictions, okay, sure. I said as much earlier in the topic, several weeks ago.
Morris was way off.
Rove's prediction was within the realm of possibility, within the 2 to 3% polling margin of error. I've seen Rove a few times on Fox since the election. But Morris was on the day after the election to make his apologies, and hasn't been on since.
And this hit piece from the article...
Karl Rove’s on-air tantrum when the network called Ohio for President Barack Obama may have made for riveting, historic television, but Ailes, who Sherman describes as “a canny marketer and protector of his network’s brand,” apparently would prefer to avoid such scenes in the future. likewise partisan slander. Fox news had just called Ohio for Obama, and Rove simply said that it was too soon (with only 65 or 70% of the Ohio votes counted at that point) to call it for Obama, and he told Megyn Kelly that it was too soon to call Ohio. So Megyn Kelly walked down the hall with a camera following her through the Fox News offices and spoke to the two numbers guys who called Ohio for Obama, and they explained that despite roughly 30% of the vote being uncounted, a majority of the remaining population centers were historically democrat, and they didn't see Romney possibly being able to win at that point from the remaining counties. No hysterics on Rove's part, no "on-air tantrum" just his voicing his belief --as a numbers consultant with 40 years of experience-- that while Ohio was likely to go for Obama, he felt it was too soon to call it for Obama. No hysterics, that's all. I watched him say it live, and I watched it again when some Democrats gloatingly posted the clip on Youtube.