Originally Posted By: Rob
for quite some time now, i've wanted and waited to update this ole gal. you can even see some false hope for evidence, here: http://www.rkmbs.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1166066#Post1166066

unfortunately, the software we use here, and what was used on the original DCMBs terrifyingly 15 years ago, is non updateable. new stuff just doesn't come out any more, and out dear friend is cranky and breaking.

so... i think im finally ready to swap platforms, and move on to something else. something that has been updated since facebook came out. and... actually can connect to fscebook. or be easily accessed by iphones. or... y'know. work.

current front runner is vbulletin, a company i haven't really liked in the past, but their new version seems pretty compatible to what we have here -- which is the goal, btw; to have everything transfer over and seem/look/feel pretty much the same, just with some wanted/needed improvements.

and... there you go.


- even the most powerful force on the interweb plays squares 2 !