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Comic Book Guy: I've spent my entire life doing nothing but collecting comic books... and now there's only time to say... LIFE WELL SPENT!
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Bart Simpson: Stan Lee came back? Comic Book Guy: Stan Lee never left. And I'm starting to think that his mind is no longer in mint condition.
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President Clinton is invited by George Steinbrenner to opening day at Yankee Stadium. Mr. Steinbrenner asks the President, "Mr. President... Bill... since you are my special guest, and today is opening day, we'd like for you to throw out the first pitch."
President Clinton say excitedly, "SURE, I'D LOVE TOO... SOUUUIIEEEE!"
So before the game begins, the President is introduced to the crowd and the crowd applauds.
Bill does the Presidential wave thing...and then, he picks up Hillary, raises her above his head, and gives her the good heave ho straight across home plate. "SOUUUUIIEEEE". The crowd goes WILD!
George Steinbrenner puts his hand on Clinton shoulder and says, "That was just FANTASTIC...but I said 'throw out the first PITCH
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A broody will sit on any eggs, whether or not they are fertile and regardless of who laid them. To gather a suitable clutch of eggs, she will not only lay her own eggs but may roll other hens’ eggs into her nest.
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While a hen is brooding, you can remove daily any extra eggs she gathers into her clutch. Drawing pencil “equator” lines around the eggs you want her to brood will help with identification.
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A setting hen will usually leave the nest at least once a day to eat, drink, and defecate. The eggs are not in danger of cooling off too much during a normal foray into the coop or run.
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Typically, chicken eggs hatch about 21 days from the beginning of incubation or nesting by a broody hen. A few days early or late is not unusual, and some breeds lean toward earlier or later hatches.
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Not all fertile eggs will develop into embryos. Some never develop due to egg deficiencies or temperature fluctuations.
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Not all chick embryos will successfully hatch. They can die any time before hatching, even after pipping a hole in the egg. Double yolk eggs rarely hatch due to crowding during embryo development.
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If a broody hen has pushed an egg out of the nest, she probably knows something is not right with that egg or embryo.
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A normal fresh egg has a yellow yolk, a layer of thick albumen (egg white) surrounding the yolk, and a thinner layer of albumen surrounding that. At opposite sides of the yolk are two chalazae, short white twisted strands of albumen that anchor the yolk to the white. A large chalaza does not indicate embryo development.
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Every egg yolk has a white disc called a blastoderm. It is usually visible but may be very pale. In an infertile egg, the blastoderm is solid white. In a fertile egg, the disc has a faint or distinct ring that makes it look like a donut or bulls-eye. Fertile eggs are completely edible. In fact, some people consider fertile eggs more nutritious than infertile eggs, but scientific research does not confirm this. Fresh fertile eggs collected daily will not have embryos in them. Embryos do not begin to develop unless the eggs are in a favorable warm environment under a broody hen or in an artificial incubator.
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Fertile eggs are completely edible. In fact, some people consider fertile eggs more nutritious than infertile eggs, but scientific research does not confirm this. Fresh fertile eggs collected daily will not have embryos in them. Embryos do not begin to develop unless the eggs are in a favorable warm environment under a broody hen or in an artificial incubator.
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Fresh fertile eggs collected daily will not have embryos in them. Embryos do not begin to develop unless the eggs are in a favorable warm environment under a broody hen or in an artificial incubator.
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The yolk of a chicken egg may be any shade from pale yellow to orange, depending on what the hen has eaten. The color is usually consistent if hens are fed only one type of feed, but foraging hens and those fed kitchen scraps will often produce a variety of yolk colors.
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The egg yolk or egg white may have red or brown specks in it. These “blood spots” and “meat spots” are harmless bits of tissue and are allowed in commercial Grade B eggs. If they look unappealing, the spots can be removed with a spoon or knife before cooking.
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An eggshell has a protective coating that prevents bacteria from entering the egg. To retain this coating, eggs should not be washed until just before use. Some eggs are soiled with blood from minor tissue damage or mud or feces from the nest box. This can be wiped off carefully; the shell should be thoroughly dried. If you aren’t sure how old an egg is, you can submerge it in water. The freshest eggs will remain at the bottom of the container, while old eggs will float. Floaters should either be discarded or opened far from your nose.
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Rocks http://jersey.uoregon.edu/~mstrick/AskGeoMan/geoQuerry13.html Igneous rocks are crystalline solids which cool from magma: the liquid phase of solid rock. Magmas occur at depth in the crust, and are said to exist in "magma chambers," a rather loose term indicating an area where the temperature is great enough to melt the rock, and the pressure is low enough to allow the material to expand and exist in the liquid state. Many different types of igneous rocks can be produced. The key factors to use in determining which rock you have are the rock's texture and composition.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rock_types Andesite - an Intermediate volcanic rock Anorthosite - an intrusive igneous felsic rock composed predominantly of plagioclase Aplite - a very fine grained intrusive igneous rock Basalt - a volcanic rock of mafic composition Adakite - a class of basaltic rocks containing low yttrium and ytterbium Hawaiite - a class of basalts formed from ocean island (hot spot) magmatism. Basanite - a volcanic rock of mafic composition; essentially a silica undersaturated basalt
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Boninite - a high-magnesian basalt dominated by pyroxene Carbonatite - a rare igneous rock composed of >50% carbonate minerals Charnockite - a type of granite containing pyroxene Enderbite - a variety of charnockite Dacite - a felsic to intermediate volcanic rock with high iron content
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Diabase or dolerite - an intrusive mafic rock forming dykes or sills Diorite - a coarse grained intermediate plutonic rock composed of plagioclase, pyroxene and/or amphibole Dunite - a phaneritic ultramafic rock composed of more than 90% olivine, usually forsteritic Essexite - a silica undersaturated mafic plutonic rock (essentially a foid-bearing gabbro) Foidolite - a plutonic igneous rock composed of >90% feldspathoid minerals
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Gabbro - a coarse grained plutonic rock composed of pyroxene and plagioclase basically equivalent to basalt Granite - a coarse grained plutonic rock composed of orthoclase, plagioclase and quartz Granodiorite - a granitic plutonic rock with plagioclase > orthoclase Granophyre - a subvolcanic intrusive rock of granitic composition Harzburgite - a variety of peridotite; an ultramafic cumulate rock Hornblendite - a mafic or ultramafic cumulate rock dominated by >90% hornblende
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Hyaloclastite - a volcanic rock composed primarily of glasses and glassy tuff Icelandite - a volcanic rock Ignimbrite - a fragmental volcanic rock Ijolite - a very rare silica-undersaturated plutonic rock Kimberlite - a rare ultramafic, ultrapotassic volcanic rock and a source of diamonds Komatiite - an ancient ultramafic volcanic rock Lamproite - an ultrapotassic volcanic rock Lamprophyre - an ultramafic, ultrapotassic intrusive rock dominated by mafic phenocrysts in a feldspar groundmass
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Latite - a silica undersaturated form of andesite Lherzolite - an ultramafic rock, essentially a peridotite Monzogranite - a silica undersaturated granite with <5% normative quartz Monzonite - a plutonic rock with <5% normative quartz Nepheline syenite - a silica undersaturated plutonic rock with nepheline replacing orthoclase Nephelinite - a silica undersaturated plutonic rock with >90% nepheline Norite - a hypersthene bearing gabbro Obsidian - a type of volcanic glass
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When I was younger I hated going to weddings. It seemed that all of my aunts and the grandmotherly types used to come up to me, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."
They stopped that crap after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
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segregation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation Geographical segregation exists whenever the proportions of population rates of two or more populations are not homogenous throughout a defined space. Populations can be considered any plant or animal species, human genders, followers of a certain religion, people of different nationalities, stone types, ethnic groups, etc. In social geography segregation of ethnic groups, social classes and genders is often measured by the calculation of indices such as the index of dissimilarity. Different dimensions of segregation (or its contrary) are recognised: exposure, evenness, clustering, concentration, centralisation, etc
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Segregation, as a broad concept, has appeared in all parts of the world where people exist—in different contexts and times it takes on different forms, shaped by the physical and human environments. The spatial concentration of population groups is not a new phenomenon. Since societies began to form there have been segregated inhabitants. Either segregated purposefully by force, or gradually over time, segregation was based on socio-economic, religious, educational, linguistic or ethnic grounds. Some groups choose to be segregated to strengthen social identity.
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Segregation can be caused by legal frameworks, such as in the extreme example of apartheid in South Africa, and even Jewish ghettoization in Germany in the 20th century. Segregation can also happen slowly, stimulated by increased land and housing prices in certain neighborhoods, resulting in segregation of rich and poor in many urban cities. Segregation can also be assigned arbitrarily. This can occur on a global scale, such as is seen in the Partition of India, instances in Ireland, and many other situations. Geographical boundaries were often put in place without much consideration for native peoples and natural geographic terrain and cultural limits that had long been in place.
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In apartheid South Africa, segregation was very much a legal concept. Enforced by the government, africans were discriminated against, and forced to comply with apartheid. Some of the legislation passed dealt with physical segregation in schools, land tenure, geographic segregation and state repression. These were very clearly legislative, but also in the case of most white south africans, a social construct as well
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Segregation can also be encouraged, using geographical boundaries, while not explicitly enforced. Public housing projects, especially in the UNITED STATES, have been criticized for this. Putting cheap housing in poor black neighborhoods encouraged local African-Americans to stay in the area, keeping other richer areas white by not building public housing there. This has been changing in the last ten years
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Segregation can also be caused by social factors that become evident as they happen, but are not necessarily government sanctioned. This could be things like informal ghettos, or simply rich neighborhoods. In terms of land capital, over time in a given area, humans will settle down and buy or take land. Some privileged people will acquire better land (that is, more arable, proximate to potential capital, more pleasing views). Demand for these nicer habitats drives up prices, and areas deemed “better” based solely on geography become inherently exclusionary in their population makeup.
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West Point Grey, an area of Vancouver Canada, is in part rich because of the views offered of Downtown Vancouver, the Gulf Islands, and it’s location near the water and University of British Columbia. Wealthy people had the resources to pay for advantages, and subsequently drove up prices. Examples of this can be seen all over the world. Geographical segregation is not defined by the sightline of places, though. It also occurs around certain structures, or simply in areas that are specifically developed with an income bracket in mind.[
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Another segregation term, the ghetto, has been used in many different contexts over time, generally meaning any physical part of a city predominantly occupied by any particular group of people. It implies that the group may be looked down upon and segregated purposefully. This does not mean that all ghettos are built up communities and buildings specifically for a segregation purpose, although many are. In the case of the United States, segregation of the African-American community was to a degree due to white flight out of the cities, than forcing African-Americans to live in the downtown cores
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Gated communities could be seen as a combination of both legal frameworks and social conventions regarding segregation. A gated community today is a controlled neighborhood, inhabited by people with common interests, such as safety, or class separation, but not necessarily of the same ethnicity or religion—it is distinct from an international community (in most cases).[9] Gated communities are very controversial, as they can be seen as encouraging distinction and separation, and therefore superiority from those who do not live with the gates community
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Voluntary segregation is almost as common an occurrence as involuntary segregation is. Often, immigrants coming to a new and foreign country will band together for mutual benefit, and to keep a sense of community in the new country. These can be called ethnic enclaves and can be formed by any community or people group.[10] Some well-known groups are Chinatowns, Little Italys and barrios. These localized phenomena also come in the form of ethnoburbs, which are essentially the same concept as an ethnic enclave, but specifically located in suburbs, rather than the traditional downtowns, where Chinatowns and Little Italys are usually based.
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In Particle Segregation particulate solids tend to segregate by virtue of differences in the size, density, shape and other properties of particles of which they are composed. The process of segregation occurs during as well as during subsequent handling of completed mix and it is pronounced with free flowing powders. Powders that are not free flowing or that exhibit high forces of cohesion or adhesion between particles of similar or dissimilar composition are often difficult to mix owing to agglomeration. The clumps of particles can be broken down in such cases by the use of mixtures that generate high shear forces or that subject the powder to impact. When these powders have been mixed, however, they are less susceptible to segregation because of the relatively high interparticulates forces that resist interparticulate motion leading to unmixing.
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Racial segregation is separation of humans into racial groups in daily life. It may apply to activities such as eating in a restaurant, drinking from a water fountain, using a public toilet, attending school, going to the movies, or in the rental or purchase of a home. Segregation itself is defined by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance as "the act by which a (natural or legal) person separates other persons on the basis of one of the enumerated grounds without an objective and reasonable justification, in conformity with the proposed definition of discrimination. As a result, the voluntary act of separating oneself from other persons on the basis of one of the enumerated grounds does not constitute segregation". According to the UN Forum on Minority Issues, "The creation and development of classes and schools providing education in minority languages should not be considered impermissible segregation, if the assignment to such classes and schools is of a voluntary nature". Racial segregation is generally outlawed, but may exist through social norms, even when there is no strong individual preference for it.
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Residential segregation is the physical separation of two or more groups into different neighborhoods, or a form of segregation that "sorts population groups into various neighborhood contexts and shapes the living environment at the neighborhood level." While it has traditionally been associated with racial segregation, it generally refers to any kind of sorting based on some criteria populations (e.g. race, ethnicity, income). While overt segregation is illegal in the United States, housing patterns show significant and persistent segregation for certain races and income groups
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Security segregation, in the context of the securities industry, refers to regulatory rules requiring that customer assets held by a financial institution (generally a brokerage firm) be held separate from assets of the brokerage firm itself.