Pro could be an asshole at times but I think he did that some of that just to get a reaction from people. I like Pro and I wish he would come back.
But seriously.
I never had a problem with him until recently....a matter of years ago I suppose. But he just kept getting progressively more insane until things finally reached a breaking point. I'm not totally sure what drove him over the edge. I have a feeling it's a combination of malignant narcissism and bi-polar disorder--and of course the fact that he fries his brain for purposes of recreation (I'll never understand people who do that).
There's always been something wrong with his character, but he's just never really been given the opportunity to have it implode until his 10 year point.
As for Pro and Annie:
a. Pro always struck me as a good and funny guy;
It might surprise many that for most of his time here, I didn't have a problem with Pro, up until he went off the deep end in the latter half of 2011.
Up till then, he was a left-leaning guy, and we got into it occasionally, but it was a dialogue where we each laid out the conservative and liberal perspectives of the argument.
Then he just got into this fanatical mindset, where --as Pariah said-- he just went bipolar or something, and it just became impossible to have any kind of a dialogue, where he would just hurl endless insults, and paraphrase others' posts, scripting us all as racists or whatever, and quite a few of us here put him on ignore, because it just became impossible to have anything resembling a conversation.
Especially with...
...Pro just went way the fuck off the deep end. He tries to come off as if he's just taunting those he disagrees with and having fun. But then he repeatedly says some really angry and intolerant things, and envisions violence to "exterminate those who won't evolve into the 21st century".
And then when caught at it, he just jumps into "Hey I was just kidding" or "yanking your chains" or whatever. No. He clearly wasn't.
And just smothered all dissenting opinion in an ocean of endless copy-and-paste.
In the last two years or so, I'd say Pro was the worst poster.
This is fucking awesome. Seriously.
Since Pariah, G, and Jake decided to stalk me over at BLEEDING COOL (where I live now) for no real apparent reason yesterday, I decided to stop by to see if anything had changed.
Turns out: Nothing at all.
It's hilarious how the only two people who seem to think I'm "the worst poster evar!1!" (nice thread Pariah, I'm sure you made it with no personal motivation whatsoever) are the two who I continually proved to be the most ignorant (Dave) and the most psychotic (Jay Diddlio/Brick Wilson himself, Pariah).
While I am perfectly fine spending my time with slightly more rational voices (although, judging by some of their comic book love, I use the term 'rational' sparingly) over there, I guess the Republican Brigade got lonely. Sorry boys. I'm sure you miss me validating your hatred and intolerance. But, it gets boring constantly trying to help you get a grip on your personal loneliness and ineffectual lives. Time for you boys to grow up and walk on your own without me.
So, I gladly accept this award as "Worst Poster Evar!1!", take my bow, and now leave you once again. Feel free to continue to


(per usual).
I'll be

the entire time. Come see me. You know where I'll be.

Love and (don't) miss you!

P.S. When the Dems swept the election (again!) did you feel the wind of irrelevance, history, and progression hit you in the face? You may want to re-think your position in life. Seriously. I have a feeling the next couple of decades is going to be pretty rough on that bubble you live in. Come see me and we'll talk about the real world, and see if we can find you a place to grow old in it. Thanks!
P.P.S. Pavlovian Psychopaths! OCCUPY! That's just for you, Dave.

P.P.P.S. Hey everyone else! I actually DO miss the rest of you. Please feel free to come see me at the BLEEDING COOL forums.