They are a 501c(3). Please get your facts straight and then provide evidence defending your premise that they "have been vindicated as...non-partisan...."
And, good luck with that.
I see the "Libertarian" is more concerned about attacking the group that exercised its free speech rights then he is in attacking the government for its actions.
The "libertarian" would like to hear more about the other 2/3rds of the targeted groups. The "libertarian" driven mad by the tax code would like to see more action preventing clearly political groups whether Tea Party, Move On, or otherwise take advantage of a broken tax code. None of these groups are social welfare organizations, but excuse the fuck out of me for seeing the bigger picture.
Glad to see that the resident grumpy asshole has nothing better to do but call out the guy defending himself against charges of slander. Fuck yourself right on back to traffic court, dickhead.