Iggy, my friend. You've nailed me. I am a grumpy asshole.

And I'll be the first to admit I don't always read carefully the threads where you and WB start sniping at each and hurling around slander accusations at each other.

As such, maybe I've missed something.

However, from what I have read, you're back to engaging in that behavior from a year or two ago where, rather than put forth a legitimate libertarian POV (which I actually find interesting even when I disagree with it), you just take a knee jerk quasi-progressive line. And, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems as if you're more intent on arguing with and/or baiting WB than actually getting a valid point across. (And, to be fair, I think I've made it clear I think WB is also guilty of knee jerk behavior)

Which is a shame because when you're firing on all cylinders you actually make me think about some of your points and I have, daresay, modified my views from time to time. It probably doesn't show because its gradual but its there.

So, now if you'll excuse me youngster, It's time for my warm milk and Matlock rerun.