I've noticed a trend in the media, going back at least to the Clinton years, of the media introducing new political buzz-words, some of which are clever, but most of which are goofy from the start, and are repeated to the point they become deeply annoying, if they weren't annoying from the very start.

The one I'm hearing this week is technocrat, in connection with the military coup overthrowing Morsi in Egypt a few days ago, used to describe the pro-western moderates who will replace him.

Even reading the definition gives very little information about its intended meaning. It apparently means both political and business/technological leaders who know how to run a modern free-market economy. Which --again-- is goofy, because Morsi, however radical and over-reaching, certainly led a government with business and technological ability before the coup as well. The political wave that swept him to power certainly demonstrated exceptional use of modern social media and the internet. In a roundabout way, it seems to just imply that the new Egyptian government is just more pro-western, and will (maybe) demonstrate less aggression and more free trade with its neighbors.