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Don't let Lothar see that
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 True. And, a quick addendum for MEM (as I believe that he'll be the first to say something about it because of how the case turned out), I didn't say the justice system was perfect. There are some clear deficiencies that we've built into the system. But, the foundation is as strong as ever. Hopefully, this will clear somethings up.
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Yeah, all we have to go on are the call to 911 and the second-hand testimony of the girl with whom he was on the phone. Circumstantial, at best IMO, "evidence" that he followed the kid with any intent to do harass, annoy, or alarm him.
Biggest indictment I could think of here is against the media. This case is the cause celebre that the media circus loves most. And, for the most part, it shows. Frankly, I'm astonished I haven't seen articles or postings about something stupid Nancy Grace had to say about this yet.
Like I said, even if I assume Zimmerman was in the wrong here, I don't think there will ever be enough clear facts to bring this to anything but a show trial. I think that was just about close enough to say I called it.
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Yep. But aren't you gloating now? 
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Never said I couldn't be quite the hypocrite.  But, I also hear I got "Nancy Grace saying something stupid" about the case too. Something about Zimmerman being able to hit up the Taco Bell drive-thru for churros.
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I also hear I got "Nancy Grace saying something stupid" about the case too... Please, that's like bragging you correctly predicted where the sun would come up.
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Don't let Lothar see that I'm sure he's just talking about picking his nose.
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 True. And, a quick addendum for MEM (as I believe that he'll be the first to say something about it because of how the case turned out), I didn't say the justice system was perfect. There are some clear deficiencies that we've built into the system. But, the foundation is as strong as ever. Hopefully, this will clear somethings up. You have to keep in mind Iggy that I didn't think see what backed up the second degree murder charge as the trial wound down. I haven't seen the whole trial or even read all of the juror instructions but I can see how they came by there verdict and how they say they had no choice. Even if you thought Zimmerman probably provoked the fight you really don't know it and therefore it falls into a not guilty verdict. I know I'm in the miniority here but I hope Zimmerman gets the OJ treatment and has to face a civil suit though. If it's allowed than it's a preponderance of the truth and I think he could be found guilty for wrongful death. Martin's parents wouldn't make any money but it would prevent Zimmerman from any potential book or movie deal in the future.
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Putting aside the fact that justification is also a defense in a civil suit, couldn't Martin's parents be liable for a countersuit from Zimmerman? In certain circumstances, an adult parent is responsible for the damages inflicted by their minor children.
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I don't believe that the shooting was due to racism.
The area had a lot of burglaries, the description of the suspect(s) was black and wearing a hoodie.
As cliche as it sounds Treyvon fit the description. It was dark, it was raining, and Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie. Zimmerman when he called 911 rattled off a long list of reasons why Martin was suspicious, none of which was race. EVEN WHEN ASKED by 911 if Martin was white, black or hispanic, Zimmerman could not identify the suspect as black.
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I'm pretty much done with this case. At the end of the day, I think the jury handed down the only verdict they could. People on both sides were far too emotionally connected to this case. Libs are bitching and whining because it didn't go their way. Far too many cons seem to be gloating over the verdict for no apparent god damned reason than the guy they felt--notice their emotional attachment too--was not guilty was found not guilty. They'll be disappointed by a case soon enough and, to me, it's that love/hate relationship that both sides have with the justice system and its inability to be a respecter of person, race, religion, or whatever that proves the system works. I don't recall protests across a hundred cities nationwide when O.J. Simpson was found not guilty. I don't recall mobs of angry whites in at least 4 states beating up blacks and saying "This is for Nicole Simpson." RIOTS ERUPT ACROSS U.S. AFTER ZIMMERMAN ACQUITTED I don't see that ANYONE is "gloating". They are only responding with a few drops of truth in counterpoint, against an ocean of race-baiting and lies by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama himself, and other race-baiting liberals, including the virtually all the media. THE TRUTH: Trayvon Martin was not singled out and killed because he was black, it was because he was pounding a guy's face in! If someone was pounding my face and I had a gun, I would likewise at some point, if not at the very start, pull my gun and put a stop to it. I think 100 people out of 100 would do the same.
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JESSE JACKSON CALLS FOR BOYCOTT OF FLORIDA AS AN "APARTHEID STATE"How gullible are black Americans to buy this excrement? Or are they filled with hatred that they are willing to follow a message like this? Or more likely, black leaders (both Jackson and elected black leaders) just want to change the subject from black America's own culpability by blaming whitey. From Fox News Sunday (as quoted elsewhere): 93% of black murders are black-on-black. Perhaps blacks might more appropriately boycott their own communities.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Also pointing out:
95% of blacks voted for Obama in 2008. 93% of blacks voted for Obama in 2012.
While black umemployment has doubled nationally in that 4 years. Perhaps black America would be better served if they didn't practice such blind loyalty to corrupt black leaders, who would rather race-bait than improve their situation.
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George Zimmerman rescues family from truck crash: George Zimmerman, who has not been seen publicly since his acquittal in the murder of Trayvon Martin earlier this month, surfaced to rescue an unidentified family trapped in an overturned vehicle on a Florida highway, police said Monday.
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Dammit G-man, you beat me to it! In other news... WITH ZIMMERMAN'S GUN WITH-HELD BY AUTHORITIES, BEST-SELLING AUTHOR BRAD THOR OFFERS TO BUY ZIMMERMAN A NEW GUNI also saw another Ohio gun group is raising funds to provide Zimmerman with a new gun. This didn't happen in a vaccuum, the police were prepared to give Zimmerman back his gun, but then the DOJ stepped in and with-held it for largely political reasons, as they attempt to trump up new charges against Zimmerman, despite his acquittal. So he is deprived of his own gun. Even as endless death threats are launched at Zimmerman. I love the laughable paranoid conspiracy theory in the "OPINION" section of this blog. Oh, yes, white America just wants to exterminate black men! Never mind that upwards of 90% of black murders are black-on-black. According to U.S. Justice Dept statistics, blacks, who are 13% of the U.S. population, commit 42% of the nation's crime, and 52% of the murders. I get so tired of race-baiters like Tavis Smiley, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who berate the rest of America as having a "contempt" for black men. It is not unwarranted suspicion when black men commit such a disproportionate ratio of America's crime, that even makes Jesse Jackson say he feels fear when black men approach him on a street, and "relief" when he sees whites. The problem is not white America, the problem is 76% of black men are born to single mothers. The problem is young black men dropping out of high school, and then ironically scapegoating whitey for their lack of opportunity. The problem is young black men committing crimes at a disproportionate rate, without which crimes they could not be imprisoned. The problem is a black rap/hip-hop subculture that glamorizes black criminal and gang behavior, a culture of rage at white America that encourages violence toward whites in the name of justified retribution. That encourages black non-achievement, drop-outs, criminality, and non-assimilation into the mainstream of America. Blacks bemoan that they are racially stereotyped, even as they emulate perfectly the stereotypical clothing, demeanor, and criminal behavior of the thugs who dominate black culture. The problem is the culture of perpetual victimhood in black America, whipped up by black and white elected liberal politicians, who act like it's still 1964, stoking and perpetuating the spectre of past racism to keep herding blacks into voting Democrat. Blacks who come to the U.S. from the Caribbean, Africa and other cultures achieve education and success at a much higher rate than than African Americans. But unfortunately their children assimilate into black America, and become part of the victim-culture.
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You have to give Zimmerman credit.
Here is a guy who was trying to do the right thing last year and ended arrested, prosecuted in a show trial and had death threats against himself and his family.
Most of us, after all that, would never stick our neck out again.
This guy stops to help rescue a family from an overturned vehicle.
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I guess this is another example in the minds of the left where he should have waited for the police to arrive.
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I'm just glad there were no young black men wearing hoodies in the overturned vehicle!
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If only Trayvon were alive. He could have shared his skittles and weed with them.
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You have to give Zimmerman credit.
Here is a guy who was trying to do the right thing last year and ended arrested, prosecuted in a show trial and had death threats against himself and his family.
Most of us, after all that, would never stick our neck out again.
This guy stops to help rescue a family from an overturned vehicle.
Well most people I know would stop and help people in need. Than again most people I know don't have a record that includes assaulting a police officer with violence, slapping a fiance around and killing a teenage kid. Too useless to defend himself from a 150 lb kid that allegedly attacked him for just following him I'm actually skeptical that he was actually much help after gaining over 100lbs with pulling anyone out of anything that would require much effort.
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The family in the crashed vehicle seemed grateful.
Oh, wait, I forgot. You haven't let actual eyewitnesses or admissible evidence affect your view yet. Why start now?
It's fascinating to watch the left twist even this into an attack on the man.
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You mean like Martin's friend who said his last words were "get off, get off"? Oh wait, eye witness accounts only matter if they support the guy who likes to slap around women and assault police officers. Your hero apparently.
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You mean like Martin's friend who said his last words were "get off, get off"? Oh wait, eye witness accounts only matter if they support the guy who likes to slap around women and assault police officers. Your hero apparently. Would that be the same witness who also said Martin attacked Zimmerman because he thought Zimmerman was gay? So now you're defending gay bashers? You really hate yourself , don't you.
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I heard her testimony so don't bother trying to lawyer your way with turning what she said into something else. If a woman worries about a guy raping her that doesn't mean defending her being worried is somehow hating hetrosexuals. You present flawed logic just to attempt a little dig at me. It always fails and just diminishes yourself.
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guys, let's just be happy that a family got saved from being barbecued alive.
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...and that it's a white kid murderer who helped save them.
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I heard her testimony so don't bother trying to lawyer your way with turning what she said into something else. If a woman worries about a guy raping her that doesn't mean defending her being worried is somehow hating hetrosexuals. You present flawed logic just to attempt a little dig at me. It always fails and just diminishes yourself. You keep resurrecting the same exaggerations and lies: Regarding Zimmerman's "violent record", from the L.A. Times (which strained to say every negative thing they could about Zimmerman): In July 2005, Zimmerman, then 21, was at a bar near the University of Central Florida when a friend was arrested by state alcohol agents on suspicion of serving underage drinkers, according to an arrest report in the Sentinel. Zimmerman became profane and pushed away an agent who tried to escort him, the report said. Authorities said he was arrested after a short struggle. Charged with resisting arrest without violence, he avoided conviction by entering a pretrial-diversion program, something common for first-time offenders.
A month later, an ex-fiancée filed a petition for an injunction against Zimmerman, citing domestic violence. Zimmerman responded by filing a petition of his own the following day. The fight led to protective injunctions that expired Aug. 24, 2006.
Zimmerman married Shellie Nicole Dean, a licensed cosmetologist, in late 2007.
The next year, he resurfaced in court documents as a credit-card company pursued him. Capital One accused Zimmerman of failing to pay more than $1,000. He settled with the company for $2,135.82, records show, to cover his debts with interest, as well as attorney and court costs.
Like I said, Zimmerman said the restraining order filed by his fiance was vindictively filed without cause, and there were no documented or reported injuries by her. And Zimmerman also reciprocated, filing a restraining order on her. It's really creepy in the last few posts how personal your hatred is for Zimmerman, based on nothing. After 16 months in the worldwide media-spun court of public opinion, and after a three-week trial in a Florida court, where a governor-appointed special prosecutor (in a case already rejected by initial investigating detectives and the local D.A.) , and a media-servile judge, arrested Zimmerman a second time without sufficient evidence, suppressed evidence, and did everything to convict Zimmerman with insufficient evidence, and even with all that stacked against him to make Zimmerman the political sacrificial lamb to the race-baiters... even with all that stacked against him, Zimmerman was STILL found innocent by a jury. And even an alternate juror says he would have voted Zimmerman not guilty as well. At every point this has been manipulated by the Left to lynch Zimmerman in the end, no matter what the evidence in his favor. 
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I heard her testimony so don't bother trying to lawyer your way with turning what she said into something else. If a woman worries about a guy raping her that doesn't mean defending her being worried is somehow hating hetrosexuals. You present flawed logic just to attempt a little dig at me. It always fails and just diminishes yourself. In any other circumstances,if a man attacked someone simply because he thought that person was gay and was going to rape him (based on nothing more thn Being followed), you would think the attacker (in this case, Martin) was a homophobe and gay basher. Martins friend, whom you otherwise believe to be credible, has made that allegation. One would think, therefore, you would be less sympathetic to Martin given your typical positions, generally informed by your status as a gay man. However, you're so caught up in your need to demonize Zimmerman that you're acting/speaking inconsistent with your usual positions.
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my usual position is on top, my body glistening with oil.
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I heard her testimony so don't bother trying to lawyer your way with turning what she said into something else. If a woman worries about a guy raping her that doesn't mean defending her being worried is somehow hating hetrosexuals. You present flawed logic just to attempt a little dig at me. It always fails and just diminishes yourself. In any other circumstances,if a man attacked someone simply because he thought that person was gay and was going to rape him (based on nothing more thn Being followed), you would think the attacker (in this case, Martin) was a homophobe and gay basher. Martins friend, whom you otherwise believe to be credible, has made that allegation. One would think, therefore, you would be less sympathetic to Martin given your typical positions, generally informed by your status as a gay man. However, you're so caught up in your need to demonize Zimmerman that you're acting/speaking inconsistent with your usual positions. First your defense of sexual assaults is interesting. I'm assuming this logic/defense of yours is just reserved for this instance. Whatever. You assume Zimmerman didn't do more than just follow Martin. Martin's friend however testified she heard Martin ask Zimmerman why he was following him and than Martin's last words "get off, get off". Of course if you believe the guy who slapped his fiance around and assaulted a police officer with violence, Martin jumped out of nonexistent bushes and other places or out of nowhere attacking Zimmerman. An aside to WB, Zimmerman was originally charged with assaulting a cop with violence. He admits this in documents when he was trying to become a police officer. Yes the charge was reduced and than went away. Does that mean he than didn't attack a police officer? No and you wouldn't think so normally. So why is this different?
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First your defense of sexual assaults is interesting
Misstatement of facts. At no time did I defend sexual assault. I merely pointed out that one of the witnesses you find credible also said that Martin profiled Zimmerman as a homosexual and that this allegedly was one of the bases for why Martin attacked him. I then noted that, under other circumstances, you would have condemned Martin for doing so.
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When you change a fear of a friend being raped into somebody potentially trying to hit on, yes you are presenting a defense of sexual assault. You may want to reread her testimony and look at the word rape she used and the absence of the bs you tried to unload. Given the circumstances that her friend was being chased and hunted by some strange guy it wasn't a wild assumption for her to make. I'm not sure what you consider acceptable behavior but that isn't no matter your sexual orientation.
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So you're saying that if someone is being followed by a perceived homosexual he can attack and injure the follower on the suspicion that said follower may be a gay rapist? Haven't your just given the green light to every gay basher to claim he thought 'der gay' would rape him?
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If somebody strange got out of their car at night and ran after one of your daughters, would that be just a guy following them?
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That's in addition to the black-on-white racially motivated attacks that normally occur, at a ratio of 50 times that of the reverse, year after year, according to U.S. Justice Dept statistics.
But to watch the selective coverage of the liberal media, you would think the opposite were occurring, and that the majority of racial attacks were white-on-black. Instead of the truth that they refuse to report.
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Take a minute and try to imagine what would happen in this country if the following scenario had taken place:
A report describes how in broad daylight two white teenage boys tried to rob a black Brunswick, Georgia woman at gunpoint as she was peacefully pushing her 13 month old son in his stroller. When she resisted, pleading “I don’t have any money,” they callously shot and killed the baby. The gun did not “go off by accident.” The white thug meant to shoot the black woman and did just that, hitting her twice, THEN turned the gun on the baby. A white thug calmly walked over to the stroller and shot the innocent black baby in the face. Putting aside her own pain and fear, the loving black mother desperately tried to save her baby’s life by giving him CPR; but the helpless innocent child, shot in the face by a white assailant, died anyway. We don’t have to imagine how the media would cover this story because unfortunately, except for the race of the killers and their victims which have been reversed, everything else in this scenario is true and actually happened. Is there any doubt that if the killers were white, the New York Times would change its masthead to read “WHITES HATE AFRICAN AMERICANS ENOUGH TO KILL THEIR BABIES!” and keep it that way for two weeks? Where is the righteous indignation of the white media in this revolting black adult-on-white baby murder? Where are the stories reminding readers that the New Black Panthers have consistently called for murdering white babies?
Is there any doubt that there would be wide brush accusations about white racial hatred coupled with calls for more affirmative action and slave reparations? Where are the professionally aggrieved Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Don’t hold your breath waiting for Jackson to descend on Brunswick chanting tired slogans about racism and the KKK. Sharpton is too busy making a fool of himself on his talk show to raise a voice in this case – the baby is white, after all. Neither of them has dredged up images of 80-year-old lynchings and beatings while beating his breast crying for “more gun control” to keep blacks safe from whites. And the media? Its answer is: “We don’t cover black-on-white crime even when the victim is a baby – get over it.”
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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