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When you die you will have slept about 1/3 of your life, which for the average person is approximately 25 years.
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Not sleeping for 16 hours leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to having a blood alcohol level of .05%
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The British military figured out a way to reset soldiers’ body clocks so they can go without sleep for up to 36 hours by simulating a sunrise on their retinas.
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Every 90 minutes, during REM sleep, a burst of electrical activity flows through your brainstem which also happens to be when you experience dreams.
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The average person spends 6 years of their life dreaming
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That moment right before you fall asleep when all of a sudden you jolt wide awake has a name – it’s called a myoclonic jerk.
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The Challenger space shuttle disaster, the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, and the 1989 Exxon oil spill were all caused to some extent by sleep deprivation.
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Almost everything we know about sleep, including the facts on this list, was all learned in the last 25 years
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http://moonphases.info/ten-common-moon-myths.html moon myths Myth #1: The Moon changes size. The Inuit people that live in Greenland named their Moon god Anningan. According to his story, Annigan chases his sister Malina, the Sun goddess, around the sky. This tiring work, paired with a lack of food, causes Annigan to get much thinner. This myth was an attempt to explain the phases of the moon as it recedes from a full moon to a crescent.
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Myth #2: There are multiple moons in a given year. In ancient China, there were believed to be twelve moons—one for each month of the year. These moons were also thought to be made of water.
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Myth #3: Werewolves come out with a full moon. The folklore story of the werewolf perhaps dates as far back as the ancient Greeks and still exists worldwide today. It supposes that a cursed human shape-shifts into a wolf at the dawning of a full moon.
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Myth #4: All moon landings were an expensive hoax. Some skeptics today still hold out in disbelief about NASA’s landing on the moon. With elaborate stories about movie sets and faked photographs, they refuse to believe that any moon landing was real.
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Myth #5: Blue moons are colored blue. While this would be a sight to see, it is a commonly mistaken misnomer. Blue moons are simply the fourth full moon to occur in a season, since most seasons only have three full moons.
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Myth #6: A full moon can cause lunacy. Some police and hospital workers still claim that people are wilder on a full moon. There has not been any substantial statistical evidence for this claim though.
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Myth #7: The Earth’s shadow causes the phases of the Moon. The phases of the Moon are actually caused by the position of the Moon relative to the Sun. It is always lit up, but that half may not be completely visible from Earth. The only time that the shadow of the Earth interferes with the Moon is in a lunar eclipse.
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Myth #8: The Moon reflects everything. The Moon lights up the sky nightly, but only about 7% of sunlight that hits the Moon is reflected. The brightest parts of the Moon are still only about 30% reflective.
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Myth #9: The Moon doesn’t rotate. The Moon always keeps the same face to Earth because it is locked to the greater mass of its primary. In order to keep the same side facing the Earth, the Moon must counter-intuitively rotate slowly, so as to seem as though it doesn’t rotate at all.
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Myth #10: The Moon brings love. In Chinese folklore, Yue-Laou is an old man in the moon who unites predestined couples together. British women as well, who hoped to receive a dream about their true love would recite the following verse under a New moon: “New moon, new moon, I hail thee! By all the virtue in thy body, grant this night that I may see he who my true love is to be.” The Moon has also traditionally been appealed to in order to bring fertility.
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http://www.jokes4us.com/miscellaneousjokes/weatherjokes/moonjokes.html Q: Did you hear about the great new restaurant on the moon? A: The food is excellent, but there's no atmosphere. Q: Why did the cow jump over the moon? A: Because the farmer had cold hands! Q: Did you hear about the bones they found on the moon? A: It seems like the cow did not make it.
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Q: What do you get when you take green cheese and divide its circumferenceby its diameter? A: Moon pi.
Q: Why haven't they sent a woman to the moon? A: Because it doesn't need cleaning!
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After the Americans went to the Moon, the Soviets announced that they would be sending a man to the Sun. The engineers objected. "If you send a man to the Sun, he will burn up!" "What do you think I am, stupid?" he replied. "We'll send him at night!"
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http://gizmodo.com/5923902/seven-insane-ways-to-get-drunk-without-drinking Ways To Get Drunk Without Drinking Not so long ago, there was a European invention called Alcohol Without Liquid, or AWOL (that should be your first red flag). You pour in a shot of your liquor of choice, the machine turns it into a vapor, and you inhale it. Insufflated alcohol goes into your bloodstream much faster than drinking. Also, the amount of food you have eaten doesn't affect its potency because, again, it bypasses your digestive system. It advertised a calorie-free drinking experience and promised no hangovers. It was all bullshit (calories still get in your system, regardless of how you ingest the alcohol). The AWOL was banned in most states before it even crossed the Atlantic.
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Sublingual Absorption
Can you absorb booze through the mucous membranes in your mouth without swallowing? Yes. According to the blog Science 20, "there are drugs bigger than ethanol molecules that are administered sublingually." But just because it's chemically valid doesn't make it an efficient method. You have to hold booze in your mouth, a little at a time, for a long time. If you were using a high-proof liquor, that would burn a lot. Definitely not worth it.
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Ever drank an ass-load of booze? I hope you haven't done it like this. It's called butt-chugging, and it's sad that it's common enough to have a nickname. It is, essentially, an alcohol enema. It's rather popular with the not-yet-21 college scene because you won't have any liquor on your breath. Or so they think. Actually, because the alcohol goes into your blood stream, the vapor comes out in your breath just the same. Sorry, kids.
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The Huffington Post did a bit on this at the end of last year. Everyone freaked out. But the idea has been around for ages. Same concept as butt-chugging. People take a tampon, soak it in vodka, then use the applicator to inject it into their vaginas and/or rectums. Sounds like a hoot. There are those that call bullshit on this method, claiming that it's tough to get a tampon to absorb enough booze while still in an applicator. (The attached news story claims it can hold a shot's worth.)
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Eyeballing Apply vodka bottle to eyeball, tilt head back, scream in pain. People think it's taking a shortcut to the bloodstream, which it is, kind of, but much less alcohol can be absorbed that way than they think. Alcohol sears the capillaries and they close off rather quickly. The immediate rush is more likely to be derived, not from the alcohol, but from the adrenaline you get from causing yourself such intense pain. It should come as no surprise that it's possible to cause permanent optical damage.
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The single most horrifying way people get drunk. People mainline alcohol. As in, they take a syringe and inject it directly into their veins. Jackass's Steve-O took 5 shots of vodka in an IV. But some say just a little bit of alcohol is enough. Either way, this can permanently damage your veins, cause infection, internal bleeding, and death. Don't do it.
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Only in America......can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.
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http://openbooksociety.com/article/a-z-mythical-creatures/ A: Angels (A supernatural being found in many religions, whose duties are to assist and serve God. They typically act as messengers, as believed in the main three monotheistic religions.) Afanc (A lake monster from Welsh mythology. Its exact description varies; it is described alternately as resembling a crocodile, beaver or dwarf-like creature, and is sometimes said to be a demon.)
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B: Bigfoot (An alleged ape-like creature purportedly inhabiting forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid.)
Banshee (A female spirit, usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the Otherworld.)
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Cyclops (A giant, with one single eye in the middle of his forehead.)
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Centaur (Has the head, arms, and chest of the centaur are human while the rest of its body, including four legs, hindquarters, and a tail is like that of a horse.)
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Cherubs or Cherubim (In Modern English they are strictly known as baby or toddler angels. Originally they are described as winged beings, a tetrad of living creatures, each having four faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man. They are said to have the stature and hands of a man, the feet of a calf, and four wings.)
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Chimaera (A monstrous beast which is part lion, goat and snake.)
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Cherubs or Cherubim (In Modern English they are strictly known as baby or toddler angels. Originally they are described as winged beings, a tetrad of living creatures, each having four faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man. They are said to have the stature and hands of a man, the feet of a calf, and four wings.)
...and a huge dick.
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I'm speaking from experience.
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(A legendary winged creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits.)
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Demons (Powerful supernatural beings without the dignity of gods. Ancient demons could be good or bad. Traditionally demons have been said to reign on some other planet, usually some form of hell, and are creatures of fire.)
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Dwarves (Described as shorter and stockier than Elves and Men, able to withstand both heat and cold. Though they are mortal, Dwarves have an average lifespan of 250 years.)